Besides what it says on my Bol page that I just have to wait for my pq letter, can any other fleet applicants speak as to what's next and how long things took?
Thanks. I'll let you know when I hear something and hope you let me know as well.Hey,
I don't know how long it will actually take as far as final select goes. But, I do know that since we both submitted our medical documents as fleet applicants, the documents will be sent to the medical director so that they can generate a final select. Hope this helps, I just heard this today myself.
Sounds like a plan brother.Thanks. I'll let you know when I hear something and hope you let me know as well.
From what I've seen since I've been applying I have seen the IDC board stay true to schedule. The SWO board wasn't early since it's a rolling board. It happens every 90-120 days or when xx amount of applications are received at NRC.Congratulations to those selected this past SWO board. I am truly happy for you!!
I have a question I feel I already know the answer to, but will ask anyways. I know the application deadline for IDC is fast approaching. With that being said, is there a chance they might board early as well? Working off assumption here; with the summer board being canceled and all kits rolled I can only imagine that they too would have "enough" to hold a board.
Also, I read a few pages back that IDC selection is right around 20%. Do the SME's here believe there will be a similar outcome for the 15 September board?
I know the application deadline for IDC is fast approaching. With that being said, is there a chance they might board early
Every time I get the notification that NOPO posted I log on and check what he said faster than a 13 year old girl checking her Facebook.