Au Contraire...
+1 Nice post Morgan! :icon_mi_6
Oops, Mosquitos t*e size of Sky*awks, w/ drop tanks: "S*all we drain 'em *ere, or carry 'em *ome?"; t*e 'occasional' 100-year *imicane; marginal flying WX; *umidity requiring uniform s*irt c*ange 2-3 X daily; Blanding Blvd. "love bugs" permanently entombed in your beootiful Porsc*e 911 paint finis*, etc. Awesome! :hot_125:
But t*e rest is all good, and you do *av t*e Jaguars!
Did 2 yrs. @ VA-44 Cecil, couldn't wait to get back to Lemoore!
BzB, still awaiting new 'puter...
Jacksonville - My personal favorite actually. Never stationed there, just spent a crapload of dets there. Weather: awesome, Women: beautiful, Flying: what I've done there was easy. The town is super spread out so I've heard people complain about how going out is a pain in the ass if you don't live by the beach, which if you do, makes for a longer commute to work, but whatever I really enjoy the place .
+1 Nice post Morgan! :icon_mi_6
Oops, Mosquitos t*e size of Sky*awks, w/ drop tanks: "S*all we drain 'em *ere, or carry 'em *ome?"; t*e 'occasional' 100-year *imicane; marginal flying WX; *umidity requiring uniform s*irt c*ange 2-3 X daily; Blanding Blvd. "love bugs" permanently entombed in your beootiful Porsc*e 911 paint finis*, etc. Awesome! :hot_125:
But t*e rest is all good, and you do *av t*e Jaguars!

Did 2 yrs. @ VA-44 Cecil, couldn't wait to get back to Lemoore!
BzB, still awaiting new 'puter...