Since you're going to call me out, here's a start from my alma mater and former employer ...
As a prior educator, I still have plenty of friends with whom I have discussed this matter, especially in light of the fact that my wife stopped working last year in favor of obtaining an engineering masters. Much of the data we used to make the decision was based in no small part on input from my former colleagues who are privy to mounds of private data that universities collect on their students. This private data is distilled into products for public consumption such as the one I cited above. Similar products are available from most major universities.
So, that's about all of the defense I can provide.
@CUPike11: When you make a statement like, "I can tell you for a fact that
if you have no experience in engineering, you're not getting a job right now." you're making a broader claim than just for yourself ... hence my response.
@bigwill2876: Now that's funny!
... now what were we ACTUALLY talking about?