I'm not going to continue to beat this horse, but this has nothing to do with being a "hater," as you put it. I had absolutely no emotional stake in this game whatsoever. I did not go to either school, so I am able to look at this from an outside perspective. I can understand why, everyone is excited, but
there is no reason why Navy should NOT have won this game.
Let's take a look back at recent Navy records.
2003: 8-5
2004: 10-2 (ranked #24 in Week 8)
2005: 8-4
2006: 9-4 (including a one point bowl game loss to a team that was ranked #2 last night, and ranked #20 when they played last year)
2007: 5-4, to date
As of today, they have five consecutive winning seasons in I-A football.
How about the Irish?
2003: 5-7
2004: 6-6
2005: 9-3
2006: 10-3
2007: 1-8, to date
Two winning seasons in five years.
What does this demonstrate? David did not beat Goliath last night. A good I-A Independent beat a bad I-A Independent.
I'm done. Enjoy your 72.