When I went through OCS many years ago (Class 20-00, More Zeroes Than The Rest [Quite true, we were shitty]) There was a guy a few classes behind us that just took off one night. Hopped in his car and left in his 3rd week or something.
When he was finally found a few days later they asked him why he went UA, ruined his chances at becoming an officer, getting a weird discharge and generally screwed up his life. His answer: Chow Hall Procedures.
Of course, as Candi-O's, we all died laughing at this news. But, doing indoc for the newbs, you get to see how much stress some of these guys are having when they are first learning how to eat in the chow hall. Hell, one guy was so stressed out that he puked right there on his plate. I think he was scared to death that we were going to make him eat it. We didn't. Navy's not quite that hardcore.