*Insert nerd wings here*
I was jokingAlthough if the DIs really did shift to limericks for drill, I imagine it might sound something like:
Candidate, don't be alarmed
When I call for right shoulder arms
Just be a good soldier
Stick rifle to shoulder
And you mayleave Kay Hall unharmedreceive a barrel of soft, cuddly kittens
There once was a candidate from Nantucket.....
My dad apparently used to sing cadences to me as a baby, and we sang one of them during victory run, alas it was a little more PC and that birdie on the window sill had his head "petted" rather than crushed. I think the candidate who sang this is an AW user, and I think she or whoever made the change was mocking PCness.
Another time someone started a cadence that went "My girlfriend had an uncle, his name was Buck..." needless to say, he didn't get to the next line.