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Navy OCS packet not approved (admin reasons?)


Hello gentlemen (and ladies),

First of all, I am not trying to gum up the AW site with my wanna-be jargon so if any admins want to delete this thread, so be it. I am just looking for a bit of help (that recruiters from CG, Marines and Army couldn't help me with). So let me lay out the facts of my situation as promptly as I can (which is still a lot so bare with me).

I was "board ready" for the Navy 15 July Pilot/NFO board according to my recruiter. I had to get a waiver for illegal drug use (marijuana, a few times) in college and also a public intoxication (also in college, in 2009). Other than that, I had 3 minor traffic violations pre-dating 2009. I was able to get a waiver from the CO so my packet was going up to the 15 July board.

About 2 weeks ago my recruiter called me and said I wasn't approved for "administrative reasons" and left it at that. He did not give me any details whatsoever, other than that I cannot even reapply nor can I apply for a different designator. Obviously my packet hasn't even seen the board yet and when I asked him about the waivers, he said that even though I have them, the CO doesn't make the final call (makes sense, but the board didn't even see my packet).

Anyway, after wallowing in my own sorrow for a few days, I decided I wasn't going to give up on my dream of being and officer and an aviator. I contacted the Marines, CG and the Army (because I'm 26 and I need to get the ball rolling). All of the recruiters with whom I spoke were able to look up my information via my social and were able to see that I was "not approved for admin. reasons" by the Navy. None of them knew what this could mean and all of them were surprised that this happened after waivers and before board selection.

I was a bit surprised by this (even though I know the CO doesn't make the final call) because I thought they would have seen this before or at least be aware of the potential for something similar. All of them say that I can still apply for their proper OCS and that it is not an automatic DQer.

I'm not trying to get pity and I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself. I just would like any kind of insight. I've been told I should figure out why I was not approved for Navy OCS and try to rectify the situation, but for the life of me I can only assume it's because I smoked marijuana a couple times in college and I have a few minor run-ins with the law. However, I was told that in this case the reason would most likely be a "conduct disorder" or something along those lines. Have I screwed myself out of all military potential?

Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Lets do a little role reversal, if you were an Officer and your sailor wanted to put in a STA-21 package with that many repeat examples of misconduct, how serious would you take him?

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Lets do a little role reversal...

I contacted the Marines, CG and the Army (because I'm 26 and I need to get the ball rolling). ...All of them say that I can still apply for their proper OCS and that it is not an automatic DQer.
Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated.

While tiz84 isn't wrong, if the other services invited you to apply…go do that. The Navy door would seem to be closed.

Good luck.


Thank you for the response. Bottom line, I understand I have made mistakes in my past. I'm not trying to make a plea but I'm just confused because I wasn't given a DQ for conduct or anything of the sort. Also, why wasn't my past an automatic DQ then (sort of a rhetorical question)? I was told throughout the entire process the Navy is more concerned with who I am and who I will be in the future, not the mistakes I made in college. With that being said, I have made my bed so I will lie in it. All I can do is move forward.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
I just would like any kind of insight. I've been told I should figure out why I was not approved for Navy OCS and try to rectify the situation, but for the life of me I can only assume it's because I smoked marijuana a couple times in college and I have a few minor run-ins with the law.
Your assumption is correct
However, I was told that in this case the reason would most likely be a "conduct disorder" or something along those lines.
"conduct disorder" is simply a polite PC way of saying 'you screwed the pooch" with your MJ use (however slight), coupled with an ARI + multiple traffic violations. These type incidents are in the record and cannot be rectified. STA-21 slots are quite scarce and very competitive these days, and with a large pool of highly qualified, waiver free, clean record applicants, why would they want to spend the extra time at board reviewing a nonstarter? That's why they pre-screen.
Have I screwed myself out of all military potential?
Probably, at least for the Navy... as drug use is an absolute no no, and alcohol use is very strictly monitored (even frowned upon) in today's Navy. I think you would even have a problem enlisting as a Sailor with that record. I cannot speak to/for the other military services.


Again, thank you all for your input. You all have given me a bit of a sense of closure as far as me "screwing the pooch" and I understand it. Maybe the Navy giving me the "administrative" reasons was a sort of gift since they didn't give me "conduct" reasons for my non-approval. You all are better men than I for avoiding traffic violations and experimental curiosity. All I can do is hope that the rest of my life isn't tarnished because of a few mishaps.


I also want to apologize if anything I said may have come off as curt. It's a hard pill to swallow. I have nothing but the greatest respect for what you all do. :)

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
It's a hard pill to swallow.
Honestly, if that's the hardest pill life offers you…you're ahead of the game.

Look, it ain't the end of your world. You still seem to have several options to pursue if your near-term goal is to serve your country in some military capacity. Explore those first, I guess.

Even if none of those work out…be well, do good, do something else.

More vía PM.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Again, thank you all for your input. You all have given me a bit of a sense of closure as far as me "screwing the pooch" and I understand it. Maybe the Navy giving me the "administrative" reasons was a sort of gift since they didn't give me "conduct" reasons for my non-approval. You all are better men than I for avoiding traffic violations and experimental curiosity. All I can do is hope that the rest of my life isn't tarnished because of a few mishaps.
It took a lot of guts to write the post above, and I commend you for that. Doesn't make you any less a man than anyone here, we all make mistakes ... which usually have consequences. I also hope these mistakes remain in the past, and cause you no further pain.:)


Active Member
Navy still waives drug use for commissioning.

I'd keep asking why you weren't sent up.


Well-Known Member
I was "board ready" for the Navy 15 July Pilot/NFO board according to my recruiter. I had to get a waiver for illegal drug use (marijuana, a few times) in college and also a public intoxication (also in college, in 2009). Other than that, I had 3 minor traffic violations pre-dating 2009. I was able to get a waiver from the CO so my packet was going up to the 15 July board.

About 2 weeks ago my recruiter called me and said I wasn't approved for "administrative reasons" and left it at that. He did not give me any details whatsoever, other than that I cannot even reapply nor can I apply for a different designator. Obviously my packet hasn't even seen the board yet and when I asked him about the waivers, he said that even though I have them, the CO doesn't make the final call (makes sense, but the board didn't even see my packet).

Anyway, after wallowing in my own sorrow for a few days, I decided I wasn't going to give up on my dream of being and officer and an aviator. I contacted the Marines, CG and the Army (because I'm 26 and I need to get the ball rolling). All of the recruiters with whom I spoke were able to look up my information via my social and were able to see that I was "not approved for admin. reasons" by the Navy. None of them knew what this could mean and all of them were surprised that this happened after waivers and before board selection.

I will start with what doesn't make sense, no recruiter of ANY other service can use your SSN to look up what the USN has done period! They have ZERO access to that system, hell, even many USN recruiters don't have access to that system.

What other recruiters DO have access to with your SSN is MEPS and "conduct disorder" sounds very much like a tag MEPS would put on someone or specifically a tag a psych doc would put on someone.

The combination of issues you listed would not preclude someone from coming in, about 15 months ago my NRD had a person picked up for SNA with a DUI, MJ use, reckless driving, speeding, no insurance, and several other minor traffic violations, this person had a favorable MEPS visit and was cleared.


First of all, allow me to be clear. I did not get a "conduct disorder." Instead, "administrative reasons" as far as I have been told. I was only told by another source that if it had been because of my mishaps that it would have been "conduct disorder" but it isn't, which is why I am so baffled. Also, I am just going off of what I've been told as far as what the recruiters in other branches were able to access so for all I know, they could be looking at MEPS info. But this leads me to a few questions.

1. If I weren't approved by MEPS, wouldn't it be a medical DQ? From what I've been told by my Navy recruiter, it isn't a medical DQ or NPQ. Rather, an administrative one. I can't even begin to say what that means. I'm sure it can mean a lot of things...though strange given I obtained waivers, correct me if I'm wrong. To me, it seems more serious because apparently I'm not able to apply for other designators (which I could be PQ'd for).

2. Why am I being given such vague reasoning? This is what is so disheartening. Knowing that there are Officers in the Navy with reckless driving and DUIs on their record and I get the boot before the board even looks at me. I wish I knew what I did wrong.

3 (most important). Does anyone have any suggestions for a POC that might have some of these answers? Do I just continue to bug my recruiter? The Navy door is closed, seemingly for good. I have no idea why. Is there any way to find out details?

Sorry for the bombardment. :(


I digress. I'm looking for answers in the wrong places. Thank you all for your understanding and response. I stand by my previous apology.