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Navy OCS questions..help please!


New Member
Hello all!
Basic info: my name is Adam, I graduated a semester early from a 4 year college (this past December), with a B.A. in Political Science, 3.2 cumulative GPA. No criminal background, never had any contact with the police, no tickets, nothing. My dream job is to do something in Intel or Information Warfare (I know, not a pilot). I did an internship for the management unit of the Lincoln, NE police department this past summer. I have a nice letter of recommendation from the Captain I worked under there.
Do I have a shot at getting into OCS? What might I expect to happen, what takes place in the application process, and how difficult is it to get selected? Also, any idea on a wait time, when I'll get an answer as to if I'm accepted?
I've called the Officer recruiter nearest me, in Omaha, a few times and left voicemails, not hearing back yet. So meanwhile I've thought of all these questions, I appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.


Do I have a shot at getting into OCS? What might I expect to happen, what takes place in the application process, and how difficult is it to get selected? Also, any idea on a wait time, when I'll get an answer as to if I'm accepted?
I've called the Officer recruiter nearest me, in Omaha, a few times and left voicemails, not hearing back yet.

Welcome. I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties in trying to contact an OR but that is a pretty common problem these days. You have to remember ORs are very busy and many people are trying to join. So have you thought about just going to their office? If it is relatively close to where you are then I would just go there.

Now for your questions. Everything you have asked has been answered here numerous times. The mods here ask that you search the forum first before you ask a question as this site has been around for many years and it is used quite frequently. We are happy to assist you with any questions in which you can't find answers.
Also, there are many active/retired officers on this site. Please act accordingly.

I would recommend you begin searching these threads first as they will provide some immediate value to you.

You should also check out this website: www.usnavyocs.com


New Member
Welcome. I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties in trying to contact an OR but that is a pretty common problem these days. You have to remember ORs are very busy and many people are trying to join. So have you thought about just going to their office? If it is relatively close to where you are then I would just go there.

Now for your questions. Everything you have asked has been answered here numerous times. The mods here ask that you search the forum first before you ask a question as this site has been around for many years and it is used quite frequently. We are happy to assist you with any questions in which you can't find answers.
Also, there are many active/retired officers on this site. Please act accordingly.

I would recommend you begin searching these threads first as they will provide some immediate value to you.

You should also check out this website: www.usnavyocs.com

thanks fo the info!
And, I didn't mean to not act accordingly, if I didn't.


New Member
If you cannot get a hold of the Officer recruiter in Omaha, there is one in Des Moines, Iowa who can help. However, when I went thru that office he had over 350 applicants for ONE person and literally had the cell phone glued to his ear all day.

Have you taken your ASTB?


Or the 8-10 random posts all within 5 minutes? Ya..never understand why people waste thier time.


New Member
Well, I got in touch with an Officer Recruiter! Anyways, I was told by the Officer Recruiter that my 3.2 gpa isn't competitive enough, and I lack leadership experience, and getting into OCS would be a long shot. I understand that. I was told I could enlist, and with my degree, would start out as an E-3. After a couple years, with some good evaluations, I could put in a packet to be an Officer, and have my Commanding Officer sign off on it. Also, that way I would have more clout so to speak, having started out on the enlisted side. This is what I was told.
Now, I have no experience in these matters. Is there truth to this, or is it simply, I signed up, I enlisted, they have me for 4 years, no way they are going to make me an officer? If becoming an Officer is a possibility after I've been on the enlisted side for a while, I'd be willing to go that route. Also, I got an 87 on the ASVAB (I wanted to get the ball rolling on the enlisted side).
Thanks for the help!
p.s. Is it relatively easy to make a career out of the Navy? Or do they make people leave before retirement?

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Do not enlist if your want to be an officer. There are plenty of officers with 3.2 GPAs. Tell them you want to apply anyway even if they don't think you are competative. If they say they won't process your application, find another recruiter.

And make sure you are talking to a recruiter that handles officer programs. They are usually officers themselves.


Well, I got in touch with an Officer Recruiter! Anyways, I was told by the Officer Recruiter that my 3.2 gpa isn't competitive enough, and I lack leadership experience, and getting into OCS would be a long shot. I understand that. I was told I could enlist, and with my degree, would start out as an E-3. After a couple years, with some good evaluations, I could put in a packet to be an Officer, and have my Commanding Officer sign off on it. Also, that way I would have more clout so to speak, having started out on the enlisted side. This is what I was told.
Now, I have no experience in these matters. Is there truth to this, or is it simply, I signed up, I enlisted, they have me for 4 years, no way they are going to make me an officer? If becoming an Officer is a possibility after I've been on the enlisted side for a while, I'd be willing to go that route. Also, I got an 87 on the ASVAB (I wanted to get the ball rolling on the enlisted side).
Thanks for the help!

First, your GPA is competitive enough. Second plenty of people apply that lack leadership experience. Honestly it is very competitive right now but if you want officer then go officer. Don't take no for an answer. Of course you can enlist. Almost anyone can enlist. Everything else is true with respect to what you have been informed of. I wouldn't say you would have more clout. The problem with going the enlisted route is that you could end up not getting accepted many years from now. Are you sure you spoke with an Officer Recruiter and not an enlisted recruiter.

Your ASVAB is good enough to get you pretty much every job the Navy has to offer if you went the enlisted route. It depends on what rate you choose that will determine your commitment length.

p.s. Is it relatively easy to make a career out of the Navy? Or do they make people leave before retirement?



Is it relatively easy to make a career out of the Navy? Or do they make people leave before retirement?


I don't think that's an unrealistic question. I've known plenty of people that have had to leave active duty before getting to 20 years, either because of high year tenure (enlisted) or multiple FOS (officer). Yeah, it's the exception and not the norm, but it does happen.

To the OP: If you're at least an average performer who doesn't get in trouble and doesn't develop a medical issue, there shouldn't be anything other than your own desire to leave that keeps you from making the Navy a career.


New Member
I heard about some program called blue to green....Army letting people in the Navy switch to the Army, if they don't want to go to the civilian world, which sounds to me like some people in the Navy aren't being allowed to re-enlist...I don't know, that's why I asked :)
And the person I talked to said she was a petty officer, which I know is enlisted, but she did tell me she was being "unbiased" in what she was telling me.
Anyone know a number I can call for another state, that will get me in touch with an O?
Also, if I do enlist and get the Intelligence Specialist rate, at least I'd have the top clearance, and work experience, which should translate good into the civilian world...(?)
Thanks again for the help!


In it for the naked volleyball
Sounds like you talked with a regular recruiter. They have absolutely no incentive for you to enter the military as an Officer, and as such will tell you that you're not competitive and to enlist first. I've seen your same story many times.

Either try the Omaha one again, or talk to the Petty Officer again and insist they give you the contact information of a legitimate Officer Recruiter.