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Navy Pilot vs. Career in Business


Well-Known Member
If you want to perpetually stay in this weird fantasy where you're simultaneously still in your college frat and playing war like a 10 year old... do it
I’m hoping there are people in this community that have been in a similar situation that would be willing to share their insights as I did not come across this exact topic in the forums.

I wanted to apply to the Navy pilot program fresh out of college; however, a shoulder surgery delayed my plans. Instead, I started a career in investment banking and I believe I have performed relatively well so far in my short career, but have a long way to go and a lot to learn. Although I enjoy some aspects of business, I have not been able to acclimate to a desk job and I find the work slightly boring and unfulfilling. In addition, I have always had the urge to contribute to a cause larger than myself and to do something “more” than chase money and status. Not sure if these points are salient, but I have a type A+ personality and would say that I enjoy performing in leadership positions.

I’m now 25 and in good health. I applied to the Navy pilot program and was recently informed that I’ve been accepted and have the opportunity to ship out to OCS.

I have now reached a fork in the road, and must make a decision as to which way to go. Has anyone out there been in a similar situation? If so, how did you think through your options and decide which way to go? I also welcome opinions from people out there with more general life experience who enjoy giving advice to those of us less experienced in life.

Although I’m excited and humbled by the opportunity to start the journey to become a pilot, I’m having a hard time comprehending such a massive endeavor.

Thanks everyone.

Hey man, I left my job as an attorney for USN. If you need advice or have questions PM me. Also, take everything on this site with a grain of salt, there is plenty of great info and just as much garbage. Also, DO IT.


Well-Known Member
This commercial got my attention back in the 70's. I knew I didn't want to grow old and wonder what it might have been like to have flown jets off a carrier.

You only get one shot to do this stuff. You can do other stuff after this. This stuff is fun, hard, rewarding, and the experience will go a long way in defining you.

As others have offered, PM me if you want to hear another perspective.



New Member
I’m gonna major in finance in college and as of now want to go in and fly after college. I can always do something in the financial industry after the military. But who knows maybe I’ll be contemplating the same situation you are in the future. All I know is if you don’t do it you very well may regret it in the future.


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
Your story is how I got my start in naval aviation. Back in 2012, I found AirWarriors and asked a very similar question (from my computer at my desk job of three or four years). I was just finishing college at the time and was set up pretty decently to move on to bigger and better office environments. I was also tremendously bummed out.

I love telling people that the reason I joined the Navy is because I was feeling low one day at the desk and started scrolling through Reddit when I saw a "Post a picture from your office" thread. In it, somebody posted a sunset from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. It was beautiful. I didn't have an office window in my cubicle.

Joined AirWarriors, asked the question, got told to use the Search Function. Used the search function. Reached out to an officer recruiter. Haven't looked back once in five years of service.

EDIT: Utterly unrelated to this post, but a laughable memory. I remember waiting for my first flight in Primary (must've been roughly October or November 2013), but due to the weather and the pipeline being slightly backed up, it was about two weeks before my first flight ended up launching. I remember complaining on AW about how bummed I was to be "grounded" (I'm sure the post is in my history but the thought of looking at it makes me dry heave). Got my peepee slapped by everybody on the forum (including esteemed veteran BZB, bless him). Turns out life is pretty fucking great when your biggest problems are 1.) Getting your shirt stays not to rub the hair off your legs, 2.) Having to wake up at 0600 to make muster so you can go to the beach all day, and 3.) Ending your beach-day streak to go flying.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
How many movies have been made about being in business (which don’t involve a bank robbery or something to that effect)?

Actually, probably more of those than military movies, at least since the 1970s, anyway.

You can always join the military and come back to banking in 4-8 years (depending on your MOS). If you bank for 8 more years, it's pretty unlikely you'll be able to join the military.


Standing by for the RIF !
Don’t make the mistake I did and suffer in big Corp cubicle. Please.

I come to work every day hating my job and have for years. Do something worthwhile with your life.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
As an active duty NFO turned reservist and civilian techie, I can guarantee the cube farm will still be there in your 30s and beyond. Don’t waste your youth wondering what might have been.


Active Member
I’m hoping there are people in this community that have been in a similar situation that would be willing to share their insights as I did not come across this exact topic in the forums.

I wanted to apply to the Navy pilot program fresh out of college; however, a shoulder surgery delayed my plans. Instead, I started a career in investment banking and I believe I have performed relatively well so far in my short career, but have a long way to go and a lot to learn. Although I enjoy some aspects of business, I have not been able to acclimate to a desk job and I find the work slightly boring and unfulfilling. In addition, I have always had the urge to contribute to a cause larger than myself and to do something “more” than chase money and status. Not sure if these points are salient, but I have a type A+ personality and would say that I enjoy performing in leadership positions.

I’m now 25 and in good health. I applied to the Navy pilot program and was recently informed that I’ve been accepted and have the opportunity to ship out to OCS.

I have now reached a fork in the road, and must make a decision as to which way to go. Has anyone out there been in a similar situation? If so, how did you think through your options and decide which way to go? I also welcome opinions from people out there with more general life experience who enjoy giving advice to those of us less experienced in life.

Although I’m excited and humbled by the opportunity to start the journey to become a pilot, I’m having a hard time comprehending such a massive endeavor.

Thanks everyone.