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Navy Pilot


Professional (?) Flight Instructor
Thanks man. I appreciate the help, I am just a little under the height maximum, and I never have any problem passing the body fat standard, a few pounds shouldn't be a problem.


Internet killed the television star
As far as the weight restriction goes.. is that an automatic DNQ.. I JUST found out about my flight slot (i'm one of the guys who put SWO first and got NFO) I'm about 10 lbs over that right now.. I guess what I am asking is: if you are a few lbs over that during your physical, do they let you cut that weight and continue?

They won't let you start training until you reach 235, but if you're over when you have your physical it's not that big of a deal. The LT when I was in the A pool just told me to get it down, he didn't care how just as long as I was showing progress.

As for the instruction, it's actually worded (or at least when I was in the A pool) that to start training you have to be at 235. The actual max for after you begin and after you're in the fleet is 245. If you're heavy, just expect to sign a waiver that basically says don't be surprised when you die if you crash.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
As for the instruction, it's actually worded (or at least when I was in the A pool) that to start training you have to be at 235. The actual max for after you begin and after you're in the fleet is 245. If you're heavy, just expect to sign a waiver that basically says don't be surprised when you die if you crash.

Word on the street here is 235 the whole time while in the pipeline. Whether it's enforced, I'll leave to the random anecdote brigade.


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Super Moderator
Crowbar said:
You may already know that as a FO you could end up in the T-2. In that case, anything over 204 lbs requires you to sign a waiver.

I never signed a waiver when I flew the T-2C. I weighed in about 225 at the time. I'm 215 now so I'm doing good but I don't think I can fly with anyone over 200lbs in the T-34 :eek: