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Navy Versus Airforce Who is truely better

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Registered User
whos the top pilot? an af pilot or navy? if both were put into a dog fight and both had exact same wep's and fighters, who would win the dog fight?

I'm guessing they would end up in a tie, with both aircraft running out of fuel as the pilots fumble with their ORM grids for 45 minutes trying to assess the current risk level to determine if the benefits would outweigh the costs of engaging in a possibly dangerous procedure.

(*Disclaimer* - This post is a light-hearted ORM-joke, just in case someone with no sense of humor was not able to catch that and needs to send me another private message of disapproval.)




Well-Known Member
Site Admin
whos the top pilot? an af pilot or navy? if both were put into a dog fight and both had exact same wep's and fighters, who would win the dog fight?

I've been watching this thread and even contributed because I thought the initial question was legitimate coming from someone young and is seeking information.

If your above post is for real, we're about done. If you're for real, you obviously haven't been reading the first few posts. It's not about who will win what. And if you really want to get into the discussion of who pipes the neighbor's cat better, then search for another thread, as it's been beaten to death.


1. whos the top pilot? 2. an af pilot or navy? 3. if both were put into a dog fight and both had exact same wep's and fighters, who would win the dog fight?
1. ME

2. Navy

3. ME

closed .... because it's stupid and will waste your bodily fluids.

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