I would think part of the answer would be in the regulation requiring you to wear an Army (OCP or ACU) uniform in the first place. Strictly adhering to AR 670-1, the answer is YES, you can wear your Naval Aviator Wings. The question is, can you or should you wear gold wings or subdued?
Does the navy have subdued metal badges now? The only time I saw someone wear metal pin-on wings in OCP or ACU, they spray painted them black. Otherwise they were sewn on.
FWIW, para 22-12 g.(1) Applies to Army soldiers who have Naval Aviator (or Air Force) wings. Once you earn Army wings, basic, senior or master, you are no longer authorized to wear your wings from another service.
"22-12 g.
(1) Military combat or special skill badges awarded by other U.S. Services that are similar to U.S. Army combat or
special skill badges are worn on the Army uniform in the same manner as U.S. Army combat or special skill badges,
only if no Army badges are authorized for wear in the same group. For example, a Soldier who had no group 3 badges
(as outlined in DA Pam 670–1) could wear aviation badges awarded by the U.S. Air Force as group 3 badges (as Army
aviation and aviator badges are worn).
However, if the individual was authorized to wear an Army badge in group 3, the
Soldier would not be authorized to wear the group 3 badge from the U.S. Air Force."
LOL Unless the Air Force is treated specially.
So NO, I do NOT get to wear both my Naval Aviator and Master Army Aviator wings.