Tough crowd here.
Next thing you know, someone will be telling him that when aboard a USN ship the response "Harrr" has replaced "Aye".
i literally do not understand half of what's written here
what's this "pin" ? and why does everyone hate on SWO so bad?
what's this "pin" ? and why does everyone hate on SWO so bad?
The pin is the SWO pin (aka Water Wings), that qualified SWOs wear...
Use the search feature. Plenty of threads have answered this. A discussion regarding the cons of SWOdom does nothing to aid the purposes of the original poster.
Another piece of advice: don't call them water wings. Nobody calls them that, and the Shoes will give you the stink-eye if you do. It's the "SWO Pin" or just, "the pin," as in, "I need more OOD U/I before I can get my pin, CHENG, why did you leave me off the watchbill?" Or more commonly, "Christ a-mighty, as soon as I get my pin, I'm quitting this fucking circus."
I've heard the term used as a tongue-in-cheek reference among some of the more senior SWOs; but you're right, most just call it "The Pin" or some variation thereof.
It's tough with SWOs to know who has a sense of humor and who doesn't. Some CO's don't mind being called Skipper, for others it is fighting words. Some will get in your grill if you call the ship a "small boy" even if it is a FFG. I've seen a CO bring the wardroom to feared silence because someone mentioned that they thought a "certain Persian Gulf radio prankster" was hilarious the previous mid watch, which really just made the CO look sillier.
I'm 'da Pilipino Monkey I f___d your mother! Dear God I miss the Gulf sometimes. SF Bay Area TV would be just the spot for him.