I get so sick and tired of people bashing the Academy. Point the finger at the person, not the commissioning source.
I would tend to agree, give everyone a fair shot and not just lump them together, but since the offending issues came from Academy guys, and when I walked across the street to check into API from OCS, it was all the dudes walking around with 3 ribbons who looked like shit, I am going to do that in this case. They had NO shirt stays, wrinkled, stained, frumpy looking uniform, unpolished BLACK shoes, wrong colored socks (seen it), and a general bitch-attitude.
I am NOT saying all the academy kids are like this, but I would say of the people I saw like the above, 80% were academy. Maybe it's the fact that our gunnies (up until last summer) were across the street from us and would tear off our skulls and monkey-stomp us if they saw us looking less than stellar in uniform, or because we knew our OCS peers would do the same, but OCS guys almost never looked bad (I know there are shitbags from all walks of life). ROTC guys had some issues, and probably the same fraction as the academy kids, but it seemed there were a lot more academy guys so the percentage meant a lot more academy shitbags walking around.
Whatever, the bottom line is that if someone looks like ass, it's OUR responsibility to handle it at the lowest level and tell our friend to unfuck himself! If the next level (the LT) has to tell him to unfuck himself, bad things happen like this.