Along with the "new" class up policy, other gouge has put out, specifically about age requirements.
Apparently there is an instruction on age requirements that some are interpreting as upper limits for winging. The gouge being thrown around is that we "cannot have passed 29th birthday for single anchor STUDs and 31st birthday for double anchor STUDs".
Those who fall into this category (myself included) are very familiar with the age requirements for STA-21 and OCS commissioning (which we've already met: thus bars on collar), but this is the first time I've heard of an upper age limit for winging which would contradict the commissioning limits in some cases.
So, to all ye "aged" students and all salty Aviators: Is there a CNTRA instruction, or any other instruction for that matter that discusses upper age limits for winging?
Because of this age discussion, it sounds like we older ENS's will be classing up for API sooner rather than later to avoid potential age problems...... That is if there is an instruction that states an upper age limit for winging......
I turned 29 10 days before I problems with that...and there were older dudes than me...I think it is "commission by" not "wing by"...