What percentage get LCS?
I had a similar GPA and my OR told me to be competitive I would need a 60-7-7-7.
I Also have a question. I am studying all the material to get the best possible score but what happens if I do not reach the mark for those scores? Can my OR just tell me NO your not competitive and thats it? I have read plenty of packets where their astb score was not that high yet have been selected. I have a pretty decent whole person packet and I dont want to be turned down just because I have a 2.4gpa and a 50s-6-6-6 astb.
I have a similar concern and wanted to get the gouge regarding previous experiences.
I have been in the US intel community for a good three years with an excellent track record thus far (knock on wood). I attained a 3.0 from a very well known and reputable university and took the ASTBs back in 2005, a month before graduating, and did a lousy job of 3/4/4 40.
Do the panels really take into account the whole picture? I've wanted to pursue a career in the Navy since I was two feet tall and am going to make this my final stop. I am also listing intel as my third choice after SNA and NFO.
Have been studying diligently using all the tools that have been suggested. Just hope this doesn't hedge my entire chance at flying.