Oxford, yes-- but not really.
Your first assignment after OCS will be training for which ever designator you were accepted for. Pilots and NFOs go places like Pensacola and various training commands in Texas. The supply guys go to Athens Georgia I believe, and Intel I think go to somewhere in Verginia. The time you spend in any of these locations varies as well-- 1.5 to 2 years for Pilots and NFOs, and a couple of months to a year for most other designators. You don't have any say durring this time, you have to go where ever the training is located. After that however you will be given the chance to request where you'd like to serve. This is commonly refered to as "dream sheet" because no matter where you'd like to serve, the Navy will send you where you are needed. It's called the "needs of the Navy" and you'll live with it for as long as you're in the Navy. Basically, if you're Intel, and they need Intel people in D.C, and you've listed D.C. as your first choice, you will most likely get D.C. But, if there is a greater need for Intel people in someplace like, oh say the south pole, well then you'd better find yourself a nice warm parka.