It's not a Marine thing, it's a Marines who happen to be ridiculous idiots thing.
such wisdom. psh... You dont understand it, but my enthusiastic welcoming to the new guy is very similar to what he will see on a daily basis at Marine Corps OCS. Actually the whole last line can probably bring back fond/sucky memories of any Commissioned or soon to be commissioned USMC Officer.
I didn't expect you to get it, so ill just ignore your facetious insults
It's all in good fun either way.
For the record, the only time I yell a phrase like kill was at OCS. "Get Some" has been yelled several times to encourage friends into stupid tasks, and I get a faithful oorah from the Gunny at the office...
Once again, welcome to, what i've found to be, the one of the finest organizations known to man. Second to none
Hope to see you on libo sometime this summer. I wont know who u are, but ill assume you are on libo and enjoying it like the rest of us... unless you pull duty...
and ew, please no linear algebra
My comp sci buddy tried to explain that to me and i could feel brain cells killing themselves