such wisdom. psh... You dont understand it, but my enthusiastic welcoming to the new guy is very similar to what he will see on a daily basis at Marine Corps OCS. Actually the whole last line can probably bring back fond/sucky memories of any Commissioned or soon to be commissioned USMC Officer.
So instead of shaking hands with people do you take whatever they happen to have in their immediate possesion, throw it on the deck, and then kick it while screaming at them to pick it up? Are you planning to refer to him in that slightly conceeded "Im tired and I hate you all" tone as Candidate instead of Hey Bud, Hey man, ect? Do you find it neccesary at night to dress up in your shower shoes and PT gear in order to sit around and do homework?
OCS was one of the best things I ever did with my life and damn if I wont admit it changes you but seriously, dont be "that guy."
For a definition of "That Guy" go here: