Wait, jet guys know how to read a NATOPS?
Well, it's only a couple pages, large print and bold faced. Wouldn't really call it "reading"...Wait, jet guys know how to read a NATOPS?
Sorry man, I think it's a waste of time. Personal opinion only.
I also think anybody who uses such an app is missing out on the good ole fun in digging through a NATOPS. That kind of stuff will prove to be useful later on when there's more to know than what's in that manual alone, especially when most of it is classified.
I wonder how many man hours are spent creating study aids that could be spent actually studying.
A long time ago in a far away place this wasn't the case. I forgot that when I became an officer I forgot everything I already knew about aviation.wlawr005: Aren't you are RAG student? Don't you think you are being a bit critical without a lot of experience (not that far removed from primary yourself) to be taking such a self righteous position. I would get down off your high horse and let the free market decide if his app is worth the money.
Doesn't mean the same thing. Controlled just means that the NATOPS shack is supposed to know where all the copies are so that they can all be corrected when changes come out. Wouldn't want ENS wlawr005 crashing because he forgot they switched the word Land with the word Eject on page 73.Is the NATOPS really a "controlled document?" Aren't they unclassified?