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New Updated ASTB Study Guides, Gouges, and Links


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
I've been a lurker here for a while and a commercial pilot and instructor for about 18 months. I've been out of practice with math and physics for a while now. I used the 3rd, 4th and 5th links to prepare. I haven't taken the ASTB before, and I don't remember what form I had.

I got a 9/9/9 67!

Most of the questions were easier than in the gouges. A couple of them asked for very specific information. I hope the score will help me through, I have problems to overcome that most people here don't, so no guarantees yet.

Sweet Lord in heaven, congratulations. Best of luck—that score is ridiculously great.


Thought I'd post this since I'm done taking the ASTB. This is the study guide I created while studying for the exam. Supplement this with the other gouge on this website and the practice exams from the major book publishers, and you should be on your way to crushing this silly test. Good luck!


  • OAR_Study_Guide.pdf
    162.8 KB · Views: 569


Extra awesome
Eh... that was before I figured out that editing old posts wasn't possible... I was hoping to keep the first post updated with links, and then be able to expand if needed. It probably wasn't edited mainly because it isn't really bothering anyone.


Village Idiot
Greetings Gents,
Ive been surfing around here for a few weeks, thumbing through all the gouge and test preps as I get ready to take the ASTB next week. Ill keep it short and sweet so I dont get the label of another "mouth breather"... I found a really good website that will help with arithmetic reasoning. Pretty much breaks all basic math down Barney style for those looking to study. Here's your sign-> www.thatquiz.org


Another 60R Driver
Thanks yellowstone6, I'll using the website as I finalize my preparations for the ASTB. I'm taking it in five days and hope to do well.


All day, every day!
I was studying aviation knowledge for the ASTB and googling a few things I was curious about. I came across these and figured I would share them.

I'm not sure if anybody has seen mentioned this one: http://www.free-online-private-pilot-ground-school.com/index.html
The structures section was pretty decent and has lots of nice pretty pictures.
They link to this nice FAA test question bank also: http://www.universal-challenge.com/quiz/index.php?PHPSESSID=f3hj7oe218hgfdj3gq1t4246k3
It has little quizzes for your own enrichment.

Hope that helps anybody struggling with this stuff. If you need math or mechanics help, I can offer some good links from my own time spent in engineering and math classes (senior in mechanical engineering).


Did anybody else find the FAA book to be overly wordy and complicated?

Abraham, nice Bean picture.
It's been a while since I looked at the FAA manual but I remember it being very detailed in some sections. It's a good study tool but it is a dry read. You have to pick through the details to find the important concepts. I know it helped me understand a lot of basic principles that were over complicated in my aerospace engineering classes. Another useful study aid might be the GIeim FAA study guide. It's geared towards the FAA test but might help with some questions on the ASTB. I didn't use it but the FAA test had several questions similar to the ASTB.


All day, every day!
It's been a while since I looked at the FAA manual but I remember it being very detailed in some sections. It's a good study tool but it is a dry read. You have to pick through the details to find the important concepts. I know it helped me understand a lot of basic principles that were over complicated in my aerospace engineering classes. Another useful study aid might be the GIeim FAA study guide. It's geared towards the FAA test but might help with some questions on the ASTB. I didn't use it but the FAA test had several questions similar to the ASTB.

I have the 2010 ASA Private Pilot Rating Test book and I'll probably dig into that next, along with old notes from a ground school course I took a few years ago. I've been reading through the FAA Manual and basically writing an abridged version of it in a word document to help study. If I come up with a nice complete version, I'll post it on here for everyone.