Navy hooks you up with glasses while in the training command. They'll pay for your contacts after you wing. Before then, you can wear contacts, but have to pay for them (this came directly from my roommate here this week and has been confirmed on AW before).
I just wear my ugly-ass, clear-lensed, Navy-issue, gold-rimmed aviators when I fly. (enough hyphenations?)
Minor thread jack, since I can't get contacts on the Navy's dime until after wings, where is a good place to get contacts cheap? I've been wearing them since I was 11 years old and I've never even driven while wearing glasses, so I have no desire to wear glasses 24/7 until I get my wings.
I currently have about 20/30 vision and don't wear glasses or contacts. I am interested in applying for an rotc scholarship. The requirements say vision must be correctable to 20/20. Does this mean I can get contacts before my physical and be ok? Or should i wait until after and see what the doc says?
I'm a bit confused. Is 20/70 still the cutoff for uncorrected vision for pilots? And are waivers being given for being slightly over?
Quick threadjack kinda... Is it possible to get contracted SNA before having PRK or is it that if your vision is past 20/70 you MUST (no waiver) get the surgery for selection first?
Quick threadjack kinda... Is it possible to get contracted SNA before having PRK or is it that if your vision is past 20/70 you MUST (no waiver) get the surgery for selection first?
I'm a bit confused. Is 20/70 still the cutoff for uncorrected vision for pilots? And are waivers being given for being slightly over?
Quick threadjack kinda... Is it possible to get contracted SNA before having PRK or is it that if your vision is past 20/70 you MUST (no waiver) get the surgery for selection first?
All applicants for pilot training must meet Class I standards except as follows:
Visual Acuity, Distant and Near: Uncorrected visual acuity must not be less than 20/40 each eye, correctable to 20/20 each eye using a Goodlite eye chart. Vision testing procedures shall comply with those outlined on the Aerospace Reference and Waiver Guide Physical Exams section.
Refractive Limits: If uncorrected distant visual acuity is less than 20/20 either eye, a manifest refraction must be recorded for the correction required to attain 20/20. If the candidate’s distant visual acuity is 20/20, a manifest refraction is not required. Total myopia may not be greater
than -1.50 diopters in any meridian, total hyperopia no greater than +3.00 diopters in any meridian, or astigmatism no greater than -1.00 diopters. The astigmatic correction shall be reported in minus cylinder format.
Cycloplegic Refraction: This is required for all candidates to determine the degree of spherical ametropia. The refraction should be performed to maximum plus correction to obtain best visual acuity. Due to the effect of lens aberrations with pupil dilation, visual acuity or astigmatic correction, which might disqualify the candidate, should be disregarded if the candidate meets the standards for visual acuity and astigmatism with manifest refraction. A cycloplegic refraction should be performed at least 30 minutes after instillation of 2gtts (5 minutes apart) 1% cyclopentolate.
Slit Lamp Examination: Required, and must demonstrate no pathology.
Dilated Fundus Examination: Required, and must demonstrate no pathology.
The standard is less than 20/40 correctable to 20/20 plus some other restrictions. The DIOPTER limit is what tripped me up even though I was 20/40.
NOMI Physical Exams and Standards:
Nevermind I did not realize it was refferring to post-op/applying without surgery. Sorry!"blah blah".