No no no... just start preparing earlier than I would have ya know. Fixed wing is my preference, and to do ensure I get it, I want to be the top of my class. Cant blame a kid for trying (and preparing all he can) to be the best can ya?
But getting assigned to helos wouldn't let me down either. "Fuck it, its too hard" is never an option, or else why would I even want to be an SNA? :icon_tong
I know I know, just relax and enjoy college. And I will. But I guess I only ask, just to know it and gather as much knowledge as I can here.
I pooped in the bushes outside a BOQ one time...
Being brown, my swimming abilities are less than ideal and I made it though API just fine. It took me a while to get comfortable in the water but all that time was spent in the pool at TBS.
Being brown, my swimming abilities are less than ideal and I made it though API just fine.
Not that hard might be an understatement.......concur with everyone else, not worth wasting your time on. You will have plenty of time to study ahead if you REALLY feel like it when you are in A-Pool/IFS/etc. The only person I ever saw fail out of API was a guy who got caught cheating during our Nav final, and I think he had bigger concerns than just not making it through API academics....
If you enjoy the material and have time on your hands then go for it. Is it a requirement? Of course not, but I bet some of the kids that were getting cut when a 90% was required wished they had applied a little more effort. My point is it's up to you. Don't believe everything you read, lots of people have been aatrited out of API over the years.