Pilot Paul
Pro Rec SNA
Bummer. But thank you very much for your responses....guess we should all just keep twiddling our thumbs while improving ourselves till Sept.
Nah, my days with the AF are done. Crossing my fingers for the Navy.. I've heard of civilians going straight to guard units for the F-16. Not particularly the Phoenix ANG but it is possible. Maybe you should apply to all the ANG F-16 bases you can and see who picks you up. It's very very very competitive to get in though. They usually narrow it down to about 10 applicants and interview you guys for 1 to 2 open slots.. Your best bet is to include Active Duty AF as well, I know it's not a guaranteed air frame, but it's a start.
...sssoooo now no SNA boards until September? Just got word of it from my OR...So now I guess the earliest we can go to school is November?.....Bummer....but not giving up.
And this may be the wrong place to ask but does anyone know if you can get SNA guarantees by doing NROTC during graduate school? Or if the USMC OCC is facing similat cutbacks?
Good luck to everyone!
They figure since the AF is the "cushiest" of the branches, that they would fit right in (not pointed at you Eagle.) Fortunately, the Navy and Marines have the talent to seperate the weaklings from those who truly want to serve...and that's what I am banking on.
Yea that's what half the thread is about man.. There is possibility of it in May if you cared to read.. YOUR recruiter is just another statistic. Yours says, September, mine says sometime after October, someone else's said there was gonna be one in December 2010, another's says it's locked up possibly until January 2012.. Another's said the Navy was going out of business and joining the AF.. Someone else's said they like bananas that aren't too riped.. None of them really knowBtw, I tried NROTC for graduate school they don't offer it. The Air Force does, so you can always talk to them..
That's exactly why I'm going with the Navy.. You can at some point say the same though for the Navy, I don't care if people get lucky and get in even though they're just rolling the dice, just as long as they don't rub me out..
My OR prefers apples.
I we really do have to wait until September, I am excited to see what interesting twists and turns this thread takes in the next six months.
Well, I don't think the CR is the sole reason for this. In general, it seems like the Navy is just trying to get smaller (as well as other branches of the military). When the Navy tries to get smaller, there is a squeeze for jobs and we are at the very bottom of the food chain.
We'll see. I'm still holding out hope for April or May.
"I don't want to get anyone excited or anything.. But here is what's going on at NAVYOCS.. Posted by someone:
This morning I got word from CNRC that there will be boards held in MAY for Pilot, NFO, and the IDC boards."
For the jargon-impaired, what is NAVYDOCS? What is IDC? And what is the difference between a Pilot and NFO?
IDC is Independent Duty Corpsman. A pilot is well..a pilot (called Naval Aviators in the Navy/USMC/USCG). A NFO, is a Naval Flight Officer. They usually sit behind the pilot and are sometimes referred to as RIOs (radar intercept officer as in the F-14) or a WSO (weapons system officer as in the F-18F and EA-6B).
Yes Google can be your friend if you know what to look for....
However since Independent Duty Corpsman are enlisted, I don't think anyone will be going through OCS to become one. An Independent Duty Corpsmen, for those who may not know, is basically the Navy's version of a Physician's Assistant qualification.
The IDC, I think the poster was referring to was the Information Dominance Corps which is the community of Intel, Cyber Warfare, Meteorology, and Information Professionals. Since they have a lot of officer positions, I think the OCS selection for IDC is for Info Dominance not Independent Duty Corpsmans.
Google...it's your best friend.