154 applications for Pilot. 131 selected. 85% selection rate.
81 applications for NFO. 39 selected. 48% selection rate.
That's correct.Please confirm, thanks.
I was Pro-Rec Y earlier this month for Pilot/(NFO second choice) and I would like to give some more detail to my friends and family about this process we are all going through here. I'm seeing 154 applicants for pilot and 81 applicants for NFO nationwide for this board meeting, while 131 pilot Fin-Sel, and 39 NFO Fin-Sels are figuratively in the mail. Please confirm, thanks.
Congratulations did your OR call you?
Congratulations! Best of luck to you!Just got my FINSEL this morning for the February 14 OCS class date
Thank you!Congratulations! Best of luck to you!