Oh stinkster, lighten up. Me flying jets, loving what I do, being proud that I land on the ship and telling others that I think it is more fun that flying with three other pilots in a plane that never lands on a ship and can't go upside down does not make me an idiot. So please, how about a little respect?
My opinion is that if you are gonna be in Naval Aviation, you should land on a ship. That is what makes it "Naval." If I didn't want to land on a ship, I would have been in the airforce where I could have flown the F-16 or F-15 because they are some sweet jets.
BTW, why do you have a picture of a carrier as your profile picture? Where is the P-3 picture?
I am all for you having pride in what you do, and telling others that you like what you do. I have the utmost respect for what you guys do...you do great work.
That being said, what I and those like me do is to some of us also very rewarding, and I enjoy very much what I do, and from my perspective ( I am not going to get into the long list of why I like what I do better, takes to long) it is a very NAVY mission, as well as supporting all of the other services in vital roles that cannot be performed by the guys on the boat. I enjoy the crew aspect and it has its rewards and challenges in ways that are different from what you do. I would not presume to tell someone, either who is considering a job, or especially someone in a community with a lot of experience in it (or for that matter the countless others on a NAVAL AVIATION forum) that another community which I have no experience in sucks, that what I do is better or has more value or that the officers and sailors in that community should have been in the Air Force because not landing on the ship makes them somehow unworthy to be in the Navy.
As for the avatar, I am not currently flying P-3's (for a little while longer anyway), so I replaced the avatar to reflect where I actually am now, working directly with "tailhookers" and for the most part determining who goes on and off the ship in what order and how many times. In this capacity I have even had the opportunity to experience trapping on the boat...very cool and have a really good idea of what you life is like and what you do. With that limited experience I can tell you that although I think what you do is cool and fun, I am quite happy with what I do, find it very rewarding and would not switch. By your definition I should run off to the nearest AF base and beg for them to let me switch, but I don't think that I will. So with regards to showing some respect, do you think that you have shown very much from the start to the lowly P-3 bubbas on this board?