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NFO to Pilot?

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I’m a junior in college and I recently applied for and was turned down for pilot through BDCP. They did however offer me a spot as an NFO and said that I could change my status to pilot if and when any slots became available. I just wanted to get some advice as to whether or not I should accept the offer and take my chances (my recruiter said I have a 60% chance of getting a pilot slot) or decline and hold out for pilot directly. If there is absolutely no chance in the world that I could get a pilot slot, then I would gladly be an NFO. I’m just worried that a ton of pilot slots are going to open as soon as I start down the NFO pipeline because I hear once you start down a pipeline its very difficult if not impossible get out and switch over to another field. I just wanted to know everyone’s thoughts on the matter. Thanks.


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take my chances (my recruiter said I have a 60% chance of getting a pilot slot)

thats a bunch of crap unless you have ungodly stats... last I heard/saw was that there was 16 slots open for pilot for 2006...and thats for the whole nation mind you...also that was a month ago... (My suggestion is that one you look under search for stats and scores...(Here you go)http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1707
and you can see the stats of people that have been accepted for SNA...Times are tough right now to get a slot being a pilot, so it takes better scores that what you'll see on this thread.


NSW land
right now API is looking to cut 100+ pilots because there are just too many of them. I was told the very same thing by my recruiter back in the day, but I quickly found out that it wasn't very accurate. My advice would be to think long and hard about whether or not you would be comfortable accepting NFO, because it will be slightly different than pilot. However, it can be just as rewarding if you are geared up for it. But, if you don't think you could do it, then back off for now and give it time. I have no doubt that the need for SNA's will increase soon, but not within the next few months. There are just too many sitting around Pensacola right now, with many more coming in through various commissioning sources.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you. But please keep asking questions before you sign anything! I'm not saying that any recruiter would lie to you, but they are sometimes, more frequently than not, incorrect about the information they give you. Its your life so check up on it as much as you can. Good luck.


Godspeed said:
He might be a son of Jesus.

Now, who might that be .... ??? And here I didn't even know Jesus got married ??? :)

Oh !!
But to the original question ???


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GPA: 3.88 Aerospace Enginering
AQR: 7
OAR: 60

PRT: 80 sit-ups
1.5 Mile in 10:30
55 Push-ups

Recommendations from two bosses and a retired Navy Commander.


The future of the Supply Corps
That's pretty damn decent, you guys have to admit. Except for the PRT scores, I would say he's got as good a shot as anyone.


His blood smells like cologne.
I had stats comparable to that when I applied for SNA and didn't get it. I think you will want to bring your PFAR and FOFAR up. Judging by the data I just received, I calculated your chances of getting in to be 46.3%, if you bring your PFAR and FOFAR up to 9s, my chances calculator indicates that you will have a 68.4% chance. Hope that helps.


Registered User
Godspeed said:
I had stats comparable to that when I applied for SNA and didn't get it. I think you will want to bring your PFAR and FOFAR up. Judging by the data I just received, I calculated your chances of getting in to be 46.3%, if you bring your PFAR and FOFAR up to 9s, my chances calculator indicates that you will have a 68.4% chance. Hope that helps.

You seriously have way too much time on your hands.


Registered User
Godspeed said:
I had stats comparable to that when I applied for SNA and didn't get it. I think you will want to bring your PFAR and FOFAR up. Judging by the data I just received, I calculated your chances of getting in to be 46.3%, if you bring your PFAR and FOFAR up to 9s, my chances calculator indicates that you will have a 68.4% chance. Hope that helps.
My eight-ball said ask again later.
btw RJAVLISPR did you get pro-rec'd for NFO is that what you mean by offered it to you? Because if you did I think you have a month to decide whether you want that slot or not.


Respect the WEZ
Have I missed something recently? Has the Navy released its (constantly changing)standard for aviation slots? I find it highly doubtful anyone's calculator has any bearing on figuring out an individual's chances of selection right now. If the percentage thing was a joke, make it obvious. If it was serious how bout telling us what formula you used to come up with your numbers.


Registered User
Penguin said:
... how bout telling us what formula you used to come up with your numbers.
You my friend have just set up the 'pins for one of the biggest a-holes on the forum.


His blood smells like cologne.
Penguin said:
I find it highly doubtful anyone's calculator has any bearing on figuring out an individual's chances of selection right now.

You just made my point for me. NO ONE, NOT EVEN A RECRUITER, CAN GIVE SOMEONE A PERCENT CHANCE OF GETTING IN. Some recruiter did in his case however. I was making fun of the recruiter. I think the joke was obvious to everyone else, including JAV. In times like this, selection is unpredictable as hell.

HAHA, no KYC ,im just an a-hole to you and zugg... It has become a form of therapy for me.


My stats were comparable to yours but I got accepted in Oct of 04 for a slot in 07. There are slots out there you just have to be lucky enough for your package to get in the right hands when there is an open slot to be filled. If you don't want to take nfo or have any doubts about whether or not you will want to be an nfo then that means its probably not the best thing to do. This is something you have to really want if you have any chance of getting what you really want. So...if you are not sure whether or not you want to be an nfo I would suggest just waiting for a while and maybe next year the pilot situation will be better and you can re-apply. If you do decide to re-apply try to get some more LOR's and some flight time if you can afford it...I think that is what put me over the top.
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