There is very very little chance of switching to pilot from NFO in the foreseeable future. If you can live with NFO than take it. If something wildly unforeseen happens and dozens of quotas for pilot open up then you can try for a redesignation. Do not, repeat, do not take the NFO offer if you only intend to use it as a spring board to pilot. You will likely end up unhappy.
Comparing stats is a fun hobby, but is only a loose guide to what to expect. If the numbers told the whole story we wouldn't have naval officers reviewing your applications. Instead, we would simply program your "stats" into a computer and let the machine do the work.
In summery, best chance for all programs is through BDCP. Chance of SNA through a regular OCS app is realisticly zero, and will be for a while. NFO is a bit better. Last I heard Supply and maybe Intel are still open. BDCP SNA in 2006 is almost done. probably about a dozen quotas left. NFO is much better, as is Supply and Intel. BDCP 2007 has pretty good numbers accross the board if you have the app to warrant two years partying in college drawing a Navy paycheck.