25 years ago H-60 military experience?...BTW, FAA issuing S-70 type ratings based on H-60 military experience alone.
Or you could just have done it in a Romeo... Too soon?
(It's been done already, FYI)
Seriously, though, that's actually cool info. In the past, there's been an option for a checkride in a 206 in your previous AOR, @ChuckM, but not sure if that's still an option (just haven't looked).
First I've heard of it. Great news. There was a lot of research into it by several interested parties in the last year at the FRS and they all came up empty. There are only a handful of S-70 DPEs (none in the JAX/Orlando area) and there's all of the 3710/SOP wickets to negotiate. Would love the gouge as I still have access to a Romeo for the next year or so. I'm curious as to whether CHSMWP would be as permitting to the idea as the east coast counterpart. Worth a shot though.
That's one of the main benefits to an HT tour. (the 206 option) I don't know why everyone doesn't check that box with how easy Shepard air has made taking the written and how lax the standard is with the DPE in Gainesville.