Okie, my info is a little dated since my NIOBC was a long time ago and I retired 6 years ago but still work in the field. NIOBC was (and likely is) a lot of memorization and learning too much stuff, kind of the fire hose effect. Absorb as much as you can. YMMV, but in my case, over my career I've used just about everything I've covered there including ranges and types of missiles on Soviet Boomers that were decommissioned by the time I was learning them. come up with mneumonics for the ranges and guidance and whatever else and you'll never forget them, 20plus years later, Iit still works for me. Nonetheless, pay attention and be in receive mode and don't blow it off. In intel your reputation preceeds you and it starts in NIOBC, and will stay with you the duration.
As far as selection, do your best to get to the top of the class and like everywhere else, you'll get your pick. There are plenty of instructors there you can also get gouge on different types of duties. My choices would be CV Squadron, CV Squadron, CV Squadron, P3/8, JIOC, Boat. Carrier based squadrons are THE MOST FUN, you'll learn a lot about operations, combat support, and if you have a great squadron and they like your product, may let you get the training to fly once in a while (depending on platform), SERE and other schools. And did I mention FUN, but also a lot of work, especially when at sea. Trunk Monkey mentioned how many days she was gone in one year. My last crusie in 98, I was gone around the same timeframe when including workups and deployment, maybe a little longer. In my career my CV based sqn was the best most fun tour, and the guys in that squadron are still my best friends, more so than a lot of other Intel types. P3/8. I did two tours with P3s and worked the CONOPS and other stuff for P-8. Awesome platforms and missions, they've been busy over the last decade and will maybe do a little less overland ISR in the coming decade but with the pivot to the Pacific (read the Jan 12 Defense priorities for the 21st Century), a lot of skills like ASW and others which have atrophied over the last couple decades will become increasingly "de rigeur" and will need emphasis. ASW and these missions are fun, and Autec if you ever get there is not all that bad, at least wasn years back. Both places, you'll likely be 1 of 1 for FITREPS, your skipper may or may not give you a verbal ranking on the back page, or if you're freaking awesome and really stand out, CAG may write you a special fitrep at the end of the cruise and break you out amongst the other wieenies. (I consider myself lucky, did 4 aviation tours, and would have done more if they'd have let me)
JIOCs, the old JICs, Joint Intel Centers...if you want to get smart on "intel" and the backroom operations and higher level intel, this is the place to go. Not a bad place as a first tour, you'll learn a lot, and be that much more relevant in a squadron/sea duty later on because you'll actually have contacts and know EXACTLY where and what to leverage to get what your guys/gals need to do the mission and get back in one piece. JIOCs also involve relatively long hours and shift work. There, you'll also get a chance to "break out" amongst your peers, although rank among Ensigns is like Rank in a Whore house! There isn't any. Much better to get there as a LT and get the breakout which will help with LCDR, but take it either way, just wouldn't be my priority.
Boat tour...would be my last choice, UNLESS you're a systems geek who gets off on IT Architecture or intend to get out in a couple of years. what the boat will provide that will be different than squadrons is a "leadership" opportunity, leading either OZ or another division of a whole bunch of ISs, many who will be smarter and more experienced than you but are awesome and will watch out for you if you watch out for them first. Boat also involves a whole bunch of other "crap" such as at sea periods when the airwing is not onboard, various watches etc. BUT, the level of knowledge you'll have especially if you are the systems guy will be unmatched. Youll also work long hours, and be gone a lot, and God help if you have a "yard" period sometime in there. If you are considering a boat or there are boats on your selection list at NIOBC, FIND OUT THE SCHEDULES for all of them, so you know when in the tempo you are joining the boat.
Regarding "best family life", every place you'll go you should expect to put in more than 8hrs a day and work hard. That is if you want to succeed. As a brand new ENS, you'll need to prove yourself to your squdron mates and shipmates. I used to read the MCM 3-1 for fun, some thought it was "weird" but my aviator "clients" loved it when I could back up what I was saying. There's a saying that I like, "Flower wherever you're planted". Basically do your best wherever you end up. I can almost guarantee that you'll like it by the time you leave and it will be a good experience. My first tour was supporting all the HSL squadrons in Mayport FL.. THE LAST PLACE I WANTED TO GO. But, it ended up being awesome, lots of good work including the start of Armed Helo, Penguin, Hellfire, FLIR etc, and I get a little "tingle up my leg" whenever I see the new Romeos, with racks on either side. Flying was also awesome and the friends the same.
Regarding the horses, it may be dififuclt in some areas, and you may not have the time or resources to take care of the horses in some locations so there's that to consider. Pickle on the board I believe has horses and has made that work in some fashion or another.
either way, regardless of where you end up, do your job, do it well, have a thick skin and make sure your call sign does not become "billy bum gouge" (Real CS for intel guy)
good luck.