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No Fly List


New Member
I am on the 'No Fly' list and get hassled every time I go into an airport. When I did my security clearance the other day, I asked my recruiter if this would be a problem in getting a clearance and he just looked at me like a deer in headlights :eek: . Needless to say, he could not answer my question. I am wondering if anyone has ever heard of an applicant's clearance being denied because they were on the No Fly list??

I find the fact that anyone can be put on this list for any "classified" reason and have no way of your name being taken off of it to be really ridiculous. I just do not want this to prevent me from becoming a naval officer. Also, it makes no sense that my name would be on the list because it is a very stereotypical American name…unless there are a bunch of 6’2 blonde hair, blue eyed terrorists running around the world these days!


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Im going to go out on a limb and assume that the selection board is much smarter than the TSA (have you seen some of those people).
The selection board will have more info than just a name; like SSN DOB adress etc to know who you are, dont sweat it unless you have some criminal type stuff in your past.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I am on the 'No Fly' list and get hassled every time I go into an airport. When I did my security clearance the other day, I asked my recruiter if this would be a problem in getting a clearance and he just looked at me like a deer in headlights :eek: . Needless to say, he could not answer my question. I am wondering if anyone has ever heard of an applicant's clearance being denied because they were on the No Fly list??

I find the fact that anyone can be put on this list for any "classified" reason and have no way of your name being taken off of it to be really ridiculous. I just do not want this to prevent me from becoming a naval officer. Also, it makes no sense that my name would be on the list because it is a very stereotypical American name…unless there are a bunch of 6’2 blonde hair, blue eyed terrorists running around the world these days!

If you don't know why you're on the list, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way/process/procedure to find out why - recommend contacting your local Homeland Securityor TSA folks about that. I wouldn't worry about it for your clearance. Out of curiosity, what happens when you show up at the airport? Do they let you fly after additional screening, or what? How/by whom were you informed that you were on said list?



Super Moderator
I am on the 'No Fly' list and get hassled every time I go into an airport. When I did my security clearance the other day, I asked my recruiter if this would be a problem in getting a clearance and he just looked at me like a deer in headlights :eek: . Needless to say, he could not answer my question. I am wondering if anyone has ever heard of an applicant's clearance being denied because they were on the No Fly list??

I find the fact that anyone can be put on this list for any "classified" reason and have no way of your name being taken off of it to be really ridiculous. I just do not want this to prevent me from becoming a naval officer. Also, it makes no sense that my name would be on the list because it is a very stereotypical American name…unless there are a bunch of 6’2 blonde hair, blue eyed terrorists running around the world these days!

The most common reason that people who are not a threat show up on the no-fly list is that their names are the same or similar to the names of people that they do not want flying. This includes all types of aliases and different spellings that are possible for the name.

Unfortunately I don't think you will find out much about how you got on the list, the TSA and other government agencies are very tight lipped about it and refuse to discuss how you get on the list. The only thing I might suggest is to Google your name and you might find a suprise or two, but even that might not help you.

I would not worry about it comes to your security clearance though, they are much more thorough than the TSA. Here are some stories about foul-ups with the no-fly list:



I also found this on TSA's website about trying to remove your name from the list:



New Member
If you don't know why you're on the list, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way/process/procedure to find out why - recommend contacting your local Homeland Securityor TSA folks about that. I wouldn't worry about it for your clearance. Out of curiosity, what happens when you show up at the airport? Do they let you fly after additional screening, or what? How/by whom were you informed that you were on said list?


I found out that I was on the list in 2005 when I checked in at the ticket counter before a flight to Germany. She had to call her boss over to override it, but they still allowed me to fly after going through one of the not so random searches; the same happened in Frankfurt too. Every time that I have flown since then I have had to go through the same process. Also, when I tried to fly with my family this December, none of them could check-in using the automatic ticket machines because I was on the list. No fast check-ins at the airport for me...ever.

I've asked the TSA officials at the airport before but they only refer me to the TSA website. Appearentally, the only way to be completly taken off the list is if the agency that put you on it takes you off, not TSA. Since I have no criminal record, I have no idea which agency could have done it. Back in 2004 Sen. Kennedy was put on the list and it took him almost a month before he got off of it.


Well-Known Member
I found out that I was on the list in 2005 when I checked in at the ticket counter before a flight to Germany. She had to call her boss over to override it, but they still allowed me to fly after going through one of the not so random searches; the same happened in Frankfurt too. Every time that I have flown since then I have had to go through the same process. Also, when I tried to fly with my family this December, none of them could check-in using the automatic ticket machines because I was on the list. No fast check-ins at the airport for me...ever.

I've asked the TSA officials at the airport before but they only refer me to the TSA website. Appearentally, the only way to be completly taken off the list is if the agency that put you on it takes you off, not TSA. Since I have no criminal record, I have no idea which agency could have done it. Back in 2004 Sen. Kennedy was put on the list and it took him almost a month before he got off of it.
That must have been a good joke by someone, until they got canned.


Gainfully Employeed
I was on that list back in 2003. Apparently my name was too common so they put us all on the list. You can appeal to get yourself removed, but it takes time.


Well-Known Member
No one tries harder to justify their existence than the TSA.


Registered User
I'm on the list. I feel your pain. And I fly alot so its a real pain in the ass. If I'm not in a hurry I try not to let it bother me. I'd rather have them be there searching people than not.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Won't be a problem for a clearance. If you are frustrated now, tell us how you feel once you are a commissioned officer with a TS clearance and you have to jump through hoops because you are on the list.


Hanging out in K-Vegas.
haha...I cant picture how I would react being commissioned and having TS clearance then being hassled by the TSA at security.