The whole point of the MEU is a force in readiness that can sustain itself anywhere in the world for up to 15 days. And the Corps philosophy of fighting is maneuver warfare which is quick and requires off balancing your enemy. To do that usually requires air craft, especially when the enemy out numbers us.
The harriers that are currently used are supposed to be replaced by the F-35. If the Corps is doing away with all aviators, and at the very least not replacing those who leave, then who is going to fly the F-35 down the road? What I am saying is that it just doesn't fit how the Marine Corps wants to fight and what the Marine Corps is tasked to do as its first function given in the 1947 National Security Act.
Futhermore, if it is true that the AF is taking over the responsibilites and the Marines wont have any aviators then when the Marines still need close air support it will have to come from somewhere. The only way for that to happen in a MEU (designed for rapid forward deployment) is to have the aviation element already integrated, ie planes flown by someone deployed with the MEU. So drawing out that conclusion, the AF personnel would have to be deployed with the MEU.
Bottom line and the point I am trying to make (albeit ineffectively) is that I dont see this happening. It is counter to what the Corps is supposed to stand for.
Unless he was being sarcastic, then yes, i did miss that one...