Well, I checked out on the international 'Bus (330), and while it was "O.K.", my original motivation was with an eye toward changing bases, not "which airplane do I want to fly". Sooooooooooo .... at the end of the day I stayed on the WHALE and closed it out on the finest, strongest, fastest, and most pilot-friendly commercial airliner of the jet age to grace the skies ... as of yet.I thought that, too, when I went from the mighty Skyhawk (yoke) to the Cirrus (side stick). It's not as nice as a "real" stick, but I prefer it to the yoke. YMMV.
I'm waiting for someone with a bunch of hours flying the heavies (A4s, maybe?) to weigh in here. The whole yoke vs. side stick debate is something that seems to come up between guys who fly Boeing and guys who fly Airbus. Mainly for the convenience/crew comfort factor that Stalk alluded to.
What are those handles on the left and right windows? I'd say they are too big for police spotlight lights...