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North Korea ready for war

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Meh. The DPRK is always "ready for war". Kim will throw tantrums like this every so often, especially when there's any sort of diplomacy or negotiations going on around the peninsula.


he will die without safety brief
Or when no one has talked about DPRK for a while. I swear, he's the world's most powerful attention whore.


New Member
North Korea hasn't been ready for war since the '80s. Its a very different North Korea today, a very different Korean Peninsula.


Can I go home yet?
North Korea has never been ready for War. They needed a million Chinese fighters to surround a reservoir in the 1950's. They'll probably need the Chinese to bail them out of the next conflict.


Super Moderator


AV-8 Type
I have to question whether our "intel analysts" are capable of accurately predicting anyone's ability to preemptively strike, including North Korea. We all know Kim is mentally unstable and we know the country itself is unstable, it seems like both are a recipe for potential conflict. I can't help but feel that at any moment, thousands of North Koreans are going to flood across the border...be it armed or merely searching for food. We lend a certain amount of credibility to Iran and its threats, but not to North Korea?


Super Moderator
I have to question whether our "intel analysts" are capable of accurately predicting anyone's ability to preemptively strike, including North Korea. We all know Kim is mentally unstable and we know the country itself is unstable, it seems like both are a recipe for potential conflict. I can't help but feel that at any moment, thousands of North Koreans are going to flood across the border...be it armed or merely searching for food. We lend a certain amount of credibility to Iran and its threats, but not to North Korea?

Depends on what kind of 'preemptive strike' and what country. If Kim Jong Il wants to roll his entire army south it will probably be easy to pick that up, kind of hard to hide a million men going south no matter how many tunnels you have. If it was a 31 man assassination team, maybe not so much.


His blood smells like cologne.
I can't help but feel that at any moment, thousands of North Koreans are going to flood across the border...

Luckily, due to cyclic planetal temperature patterns, this probably won't occur for 5,000-10,000 more years.... The Koreans will most likely wait until a proper land bridge forms, and then start the mass exodus.



New Member
North Korea has never been ready for War. They needed a million Chinese fighters to surround a reservoir in the 1950's. They'll probably need the Chinese to bail them out of the next conflict.

1950 was 1950. North Korea did have its day in the sun, but it was between 1960 and 1990. Since the Soviet Union fell, they've been on a decline of biblical proportions.


Well-Known Member
Another important factor that people fail to look at when they worry about NK's pouring over the border, when they did that in the Korean War the forces on the Island were a garrison force with little to no heavy weapons and very much just a presence without any real ability. Its a much different make up of forces today. It wont be modern Soviet built tanks against a bunch of guys with carbines and an occasional bazooka. Short of doing something really crazy like launching chem/bio weapons against US troops and population centers (and that would seal their death warrant) All the NK's would manage to do is get rid of a lot of surplus hardwear and mouths to feed in a hurry.


Can I go home yet?
I wouldn't even be worried about NBC (chem/bio weapons) considering their "best" platform for launching can barely make it past the launch pad. Their best bet for using NBC weapons would be to strap a canister to the back of a batallion sized element and have them rush across the border. They might get one guy across, but considering he's down wind, they just might screw themselves.


Well-Known Member
One thing they do have going for them is decades of fanatical brainwashing meaning that mostly their entire population is ready to go to the mat for the pride of North Korea and Kim Jong Il.

You can watch a Discovery Channel Special on North Korea on youtube, it is insane to see the devotion they have to him - even if a lot of it comes from the fact they are scared of being sent to death camps.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't even be worried about NBC (chem/bio weapons) considering their "best" platform for launching can barely make it past the launch pad. Their best bet for using NBC weapons would be to strap a canister to the back of a batallion sized element and have them rush across the border. They might get one guy across, but considering he's down wind, they just might screw themselves.

Arty Chem shells arent something to be forgotten. Especially when Seoul is within reach without even crossing the border.

Ive got no problem saying chem/bio freaks me the hell out. I cant think of any more horrible way to die.