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Not accepted :(


Just got a letter from the powers that be. No scholarship for me... I'll just have to apply next year! Ugh little dissapointed, but everything happens for a reason, maybe the CG is for me, regardless 3 year scholarship here I come! Any one have any advice on how to procede from here?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
You can still join and be commissioned without a scholarship. You may also pick one up. This isn't a show stopper.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
You'll have to bust your but freshman year to pick one up. It's generally accepted now that you have to be on Scholarship to eventually be commissioned via NROTC. College Programmers that are juniors and later are fewer and fewer.

That being said, I'm not trying to discourage you. FOCUS your freshman year. Let the people who have scholarships screw up, fail out or whatever. Be waiting that summer for a scholarship to come your way. Participate a lot, show your face and dont do anything stupid. It'll happen for you.


Standing by for the RIF !
As we've stated many many times on this forum - 3 year NROTC scholorships are almost always there for the taking providing you show potential as a freshman College Program type and make a decent showing academically. By then real people who know you are recommending you for a three year.

It also gives you a year to decide if it's a commitment you are ready to make.

Go ahead and contact the NROTC unit of your prospective college - get the paperwork in for CP so you can attend summer orientation.


Precisely, if you show up and work hard, the command will work to get you a scholarship...


disease free
It's been a while but I was in a similar situation. Some good advise has already been posted. I'd also encourage you to be a regular with the tutors, even if you don't necessarily need it. When I was in school (and barely passing calc) the Navy paid them and had them take attendance in order to justify paying them for the next semester. If your name shows up on the roster enough, people begin to notice. Stay in shape too. I picked up a 3 year and really didn't have stellar grades but I was in shape and the staff knew I worked my balls off for that C in calc.


is clara ship
Just like everyone else has been saying, don't worry my friend. More than likely there will be a scholarship with your name on it next year assuming you get decent grades, do well on the PRT and aren't a tool. Take it as an opportunity to decide whether or not you think that you want to commit to the program for the long haul.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
...maybe the CG is for me...
Sure, no problem. The Navy still has plenty of CG's (Guided Missile Cruisers) for folks to go to. Just be sure to mark SWO on your service selection.


Super *********
Super Moderator
You've got 3 and 2 year scholarships available still. I picked up a 2 year scholarship back in 90' after being college program for two years.


Well-Known Member
I just got my denial letter today as well. Like everyone else has been saying, shake it off and look forward. I'm already planning on calling the NROTC unit at my school in the next week to get the ball rolling. You have so many opportunities left, don't sweat it.


I'm not sweating it, gosh I got rejected but I knew I had a better chance of getting rejected than accepted. I'm gonna call the unit tomorrow I think...


New Member
Yah... I got rejected too. I think I was missing some paper work though. I am still commited to the NROTC and and I was wondering what the summer orientation is like. I think the NROTC scholarship ppl are going through boot camp this summer? I want to stay on top of things and attend the same things they do. Is that possible?


I'm not dead yet....
I think the NROTC scholarship ppl are going through boot camp this summer? I want to stay on top of things and attend the same things they do. Is that possible?

Once you give your unit a call they're going to give you the dates for summer orientation, which is what I think you're referring to. It's not boot camp. Summer orientation will typically start anywhere from a week to two weeks before the start of classes and is a kind of crash course in the basics of military life: drill, PT, wearing a uniform. It's attended by both scholarship and college program midshipmen and they're both treated exactly the same. The only real difference between the two groups is that the scholarship mids will go on cruise the summer after their freshman year and the college program kids won't.

Work hard your freshman year and you stand a good chance of picking up a three year scholarship. That's how I did it.