I have been following this thread for awhile. I too applied the the November board for Supply. I believed I had a very strong package and still feel that way but, have yet to hear from my recruiter. I contacted him and he swears he has yet to see the results and should let me know by the end of the week, that is tomorrow. I am not anticipating that I got accepted and honestly it is very disheartening.
My stats are as follows:
OAR: 51
3.55 GPA with a BA in Analytic Philosophy
4 years prior service, USMC Sgt in the logistics field
2 Navy Marine Corp Achievement Metals
2 years exp as an Inv Control Manager
3 LOR's well written and great character references
4 Interviews from O4, O4, O5 and an O6 in the Supply community all of which said I was the most able candidate they had ever interviewed
Motivational statement was reviewed and approved by a Navy Supply Officer who gave me plenty of pointers and insight
If anything dropped me from the running I believe it is my degree. Any insight, advice or encouragement would be great. Better yet, anyone have access to the results who could actually inform me would be even better.
Semper Fi!