Watch out for the stress part
My son is in 9-10 - haven't heard from him since he checked in 11/8. Axiom - is No news is good news. Apparently, a big class 100 in all (90m/10w). also heard over 50 checked in the first week due to colds etc (usually brought on by stress). Bottom line if you decide to quit (DOR) say to yourself that you will wait until tomorrow to decide then tomorrow will become another tomorrow, on and on. Good luck and fair winds...
Below is the posting alluding to above: (Taken from an OCS Mom's site - that even us Dad's are looking at)
My husband is a Candi-O (05) and I spoke with him last night about 9-10. I remember how it feels to have no news at's tough. I don't have great news but I thought you'd would like at least some. He worked with the med team yesterday. He said that about 60 (mostly from 09) went to med to get checked out. Colds etc. He said he believes alot of it is stress related. They are being 'beat' alot but most seem to be doing better this week than the first. They are having a rough time BUT they can do it! I know this isn't what you want to hear but I will pray for their health, endurance, physcial and mental strength. Write those letters so when they are Indocs no more they will have a pile! My husbands favorite times at OCS were when he received new letters from home. He said it was always the highlight of his day and the ecouragement and support really kept him going. Your men and woman are brave and strong and will make it through. And so will all of you