FIFY.Just wanted to see who else currently finds themselves in my situation, waiting on the boards? My package was sent out on yesterday and I feel like its was sent out months ago. So excited for things to start rolling! Any insight on boards?
Nothing wrong with taking a shot now, if selected... grrr8; if not, retest & improve ASTB, then you have another shot or two dependent upon your launch, er [birth] date!My scores and GPA made me question things at first too. Wasnt sure if I wanted to wait and retake or send the package in. After talking with OR and family, I submitted it in. Was told it was the "over-all person" they are looking for. So along with my scores I have 5 strong LOR, I've played a sport on a professional level, and my OR told me my motivational statement is real strong. Fingers crossed. Will see how it all turns out
I've played a sport on a professional level
I'm waiting on the same board, and it is excruciating!
That is their problem, don't let it become yours.My problem (to some) is the fact that I look ahead and look for the advantage.
Were it I, would try for at least 2 LORs from your college or pro coaches who came to know you (perhaps citing your leadership traits/potential & work ethic). These would add more quality to your package should you have to resubmit.What I can be doing in the mean time to better have a hand up. Guess its the competitor in me
That is their problem, don't let it become yours.
Yea I'm working on it. I had college professors/doctors send in LORs for me. Along with several service men E-9s and a Colonel. At the time it was difficult getting in LORs from coaches because the season in progress.
I played Football for the Eagles and the Panthers. 1yr for each team
Fair warning, if you're still in good shape, you'll probably lose weight and come out of OCS in worse shape than you when you went in. Most of the more athletic guys like the seals and college athletes and whatnot (myself included; crosfitter here) ended up that way. Good luck with the app package.