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J Dub

Registered User
I was down there in Quantico for OCC 192. Training was going fine until I sprained my foot. I was on crutches for a couple days but being Light Duty just sucks ass and I couldnt wait till I could get back training. I was still in a little pain when I got cleared for full duty again but I decided to suck it up and keep going. Tape and eating motrin like candy was all I did. I was out there calling cadence as a squad leader one morning and POP, stress fracture in my foot. They NPQed right away. It was a tough pill to swallow when you work hard to get down there only to get sent home. Im not upset though Ive already got my mind focused on returning next summer. Anyone got any motivating stuff for a NPQed candidate?


Active Member
Good luck with the recovery. Keep up the motivation, and get back in there. FWIW, a LOT of guys get broken the first time, then go back to OCS and earn their commission. Keep up that positive attitude.

R/ Paul


NFO? no. SNA? not yet. FNG? yep.
Yeah, I know how that feels... I trained like a madman for the past year and was supposed to leave for Jrs on July 9th, and then was out on the motorcycle and got hit by a car a few days before I was supposed to ship. Needless to say, I'm still here. Keep your head up man, we'll get it next time around


Well-Known Member
I was down there in Quantico for OCC 192. Training was going fine until I sprained my foot. I was on crutches for a couple days but being Light Duty just sucks ass and I couldnt wait till I could get back training. I was still in a little pain when I got cleared for full duty again but I decided to suck it up and keep going. Tape and eating motrin like candy was all I did. I was out there calling cadence as a squad leader one morning and POP, stress fracture in my foot. They NPQed right away. It was a tough pill to swallow when you work hard to get down there only to get sent home. Im not upset though Ive already got my mind focused on returning next summer. Anyone got any motivating stuff for a NPQed candidate?

I got NPQ'd too, only about 8 days in.

On the first time through the obstacle course I broke my ankle on the 'combination' (the part where you shimmy up the bars, walk down the telephone size poles, then have about a 10 foot vault).

I lost my grip because it was a little wet, and when I came down my left ankle collapsed as it landed over the right foot.

I finished out the rest of the o-course, did the commando crawl, and went through the o-course again except I couldn't climb the rope the second time because I didn't have any strength in my left foot to create a brake. So the corpsman took me inside, got an x-ray and it was broken.

If you have a choice... never, ever, EVER go on light duty or bed rest. Only do it if you REALLY need to... it blows.

Another guy from Airwarriors got NPQ'd too, he's most likely waiting around in the squad bay that we were in for 4 hours yesterday waiting to go to Bethesda.

Also, I know there is someone here who had a really bad pelvic fracture. Well, they showed your x-ray to everyone in the medical brief, and as soon as they did I was like 'hmmm, that sounds familiar'


I've been home from jr's for a few days now, some kind of stress injury on my knee. I was sent home with the guy who passed out while getting blood taken and cracked his head open, don't know if anybody heard that story yet. PLC combined next summer it looks like.


Well-Known Member
I've been home from jr's for a few days now, some kind of stress injury on my knee. I was sent home with the guy who passed out while getting blood taken and cracked his head open, don't know if anybody heard that story yet. PLC combined next summer it looks like.




I was in Kilo/2, I dont know about mr. crack-in-the-head. I was gone 2 days after the inventory pft. I went down to OCS with some pain in my right knee (probably overtrained), and when I tried to run the pft it just wouldn't cooperate. I failed with a 25 min run time, and navy medical told me it was "stressed out". Col. Chase gave me a 2nd try at the pft, and I took it thinking I could tough it out. But by that point it was hard to walk up steps to the squad bay, and I finished that run in 26. Navy said I didn't stand a chance on my knee until it got rest, and I was out for failing the pft anyways. so the Col. told me he'd see me next summer once I straightened out my problems, and my family doc hooked me up with a sports medicine doctor. I'll know wtf my malfunction is in about a week.


Registered User
stress fracture in the femur

i definately feel your pain I was in plc-comb Charlie 1 i got sent home week six with a stress frature in my femur.. idk how the hell i managed that.. everyone else gets them in the feet and hips normally but i managed to crack one of the strongest bones in the body.

irishmc.. i think i remember you actually cuz i def remember seeing the kid with the stiches in the back of the head when we went to chow one afternoon


Well-Known Member
i definately feel your pain I was in plc-comb Charlie 1 i got sent home week six with a stress frature in my femur.. idk how the hell i managed that.. everyone else gets them in the feet and hips normally but i managed to crack one of the strongest bones in the body.

irishmc.. i think i remember you actually cuz i def remember seeing the kid with the stiches in the back of the head when we went to chow one afternoon

Are they letting you go back to seniors instead of making you go through the 10 weeker again?


Registered User
Are they letting you go back to seniors instead of making you go through the 10 weeker again?

i won't know until i'm all healed up and they officially put me though.. i'm hoping for seniors course because SO many people get injured though the 10 and then i could still train enough to get up to that speed but space it out where my body could heal so i don't get hurt again


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
Strawbrrysweete, you need some punctuation...

They usually tell candidates before they leave if they're invited back to Srs instead of doing OCC again. Did they tell you that?