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NROTC Question


New Member
I had a question for anyone here who is a Navy pilot. I'm a senior this year and I'm looking to go into the Navy. I've been talking to a recruiter and hes talking to me about enlisting. I'm not sure thats the best way to go. Ive been looking at NROTC at embery riddle but I'm not sure ill make the deadline. My last SAT scores were just a little under the acceptance score for NROTC. I'm taking it again in January but I think I'll be too late to get a scholarship with the NROTC. I've missed my chance to apply for the Academy too but I kinda wanted to go through ROTC, become an officer and apply for flight training in Pensacola. As an aspiring pilot I'd like to know the best way to get in to become a pilot. Can I wait a year for NROTC scholarships to start again or not? I'd like to know ASAP if possible.


Well-Known Member
If you want to be a Pilot


There are 2-year ROTC scholarships, and alternate ways to pay for college.

Also, you could do BDCP and go to OCS.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Welcome to the sight, gunfighter. I'd recommend doing a thorough search for OCS, BDCP, and NROTC and see what you can find. Then start asking away on questions you're not finding. There's tons of info here from those that have done it ahead of you.


There are also 3yr scholarships available...

If you go to a school where they have an NROTC unit you can participate in the unit as a nonscolarship (college program) midshipman and attempt to pickup 3yr and 2yr scholarships. If those aren't available/acquired, a few individuals luck out periodically and get advanced standing (no tuition payments but stipend and oppertunity to serve as an officer)

There are many schools out there that have NROTC units other then Riddle so know that you have other options for schools and degree programs.

Additionally you have the option of applying for BDCP while in college (which in itself is a great deal if you can swing tuition payments on your own).


You can start NROTC as a walk-on or on scholarship, and if you really want to go to the Academy you can always apply again next year as well.


Well-Known Member
You can start NROTC as a walk-on or on scholarship, and if you really want to go to the Academy you can always apply again next year as well.

After one year as a normal college student, I think the the Academy would be "culture shock" to say the least.


If you need info on how to pay for college, but don't want to post it, PM me. Student loans are not impossible to get, more like ridiculosusly easy to get. Even with $100K+ in student loans, you can live decent as an ENS.

State school, combined with BDCP your last 2 years, you are looking at probably less than $30K in debt when you graduate. If you have a technical major, you can get BDCP for 3 years. And unlike the Academy or ROTC, those years count for pay purposes, and retirement.


Registered User
NROTC Freshy

I was in the same sort of situation last year. That is I applied late and was aiming to go to ERAU. I had very decent SAT scores and the minute the officer saw where I wanted to go (the interview part) he basically laid back in his chair like I had no chance in hell... well even though he came off as an asshole he was right... i never had a chance because I was late...
Not to say there is not a chance and there are also other schools to look into but I have been here for half a year and they do give out 3 and 2 year scholarships...
There is my story so far for ya.


Life's a garden. Dig it.
I am in pretty much the same situation you are in gunfighter, I have looked far and wide for NROTC information and I think i'm gonna try to go the 2 yr. scholarship route at UW, if you do that, there is a summer course you have to attend to catch up i'm pretty sure, and two years of excellent college grades should give me a leg up on getting accepted.


he will die without safety brief
The two year program includes an eight week stint up at Newport, RI, where you get the naval science classes and indoctrination that you missed the first two years of school.


Super *********
Super Moderator
The two year program includes an eight week stint up at Newport, RI, where you get the naval science classes and indoctrination that you missed the first two years of school.

Correct me if I'm wrong but thats if you didn't do 2 years college program. I did 2 yrs CP and then picked up a 2 year NROTC scholarship and just continued on with the program.