decided on Texas over the Academy
That's alright, nobody is perfect.

decided on Texas over the Academy
I got picked up for both programs and decided on Texas over the Academy. Good choice.
Considering my nuke class has quantitative economics majors in it with < 3.0 GPAs, your friend's idea sucks.My roommate was recently talking about nukeproofing, the act of an engineering major delibritly keeping his/her GPA below 3.0 in an attempt to avoid the Nuke recruitment. This seems kinda dumb to me, but I was wondering if anyone else has heard of anything like this before. It's not just MIDN who want SNA/SNFO, it's MIDN who want SWO as well.
You would think so.Seems if you go in and say that you have no interest in being a nuke officer, they would be pretty stupid to select you for it.
That also may keep him out of a decent grad program. I don't know if I'd want to be lead by a guy knowing this. The fact he told you says alot about him.
To quote one of the great philosophers of our time:
"Anything less than your best is a felony"
The NROTC cannot force your to write down nuke on your application or go to a nuke interview. If they push you to write down 5 choices, make them all the same thing or write down SPEC OPS or SPEC WAR....which you would not likely get unless you passed the pre-requisite Physical and PT test.
I'll disagree. You have to put nuke on your top 5. You can't put spec ops or spec war in your top 3 without a special package and you can't put nuke in your top 3 without a special nuke form filled out. Plus we get yelled at for gaming the system by putting that stuff down (obvious fillers that are impossible to get).