Today is not the day to test my sense of humor
It's cool to make fun of the bubbleheads....but SSBNs are awesome.
What sense of humor?
The best thing about bubbleheads is that the jokes just write themselves.
"Funny" story about that strategic missile defense system:
We were doing flight ops about 500 miles west of Hawaii on the way to the gulf back in 2005. It was early afternoon, clear BEAUTIFUL day, and we were right in the middle of a recovery cycle. All of the sudden strike breaks in and gives everyone a different (what seemed like random) vector away from the boat and told everyone to buster, and the flight deck was being cleared. I had less than a month in the squadron, and was flying with one of our department heads. I look over at him with that "I don't know what the fuck is going on, please tell me you do." confused nugget look. and he just shrugs his shoulders at me. He calls strike and asks what is going on. Turns out that they were doing one of those missile shoot down tests, and the entire strike group was right in the middle of the frag pattern of the high altitude intercept. We didn't get a vector because the helo could not move fast enough to get out of the pattern anyway, and it was to late to get us on deck. Nice. The bastards could have said "duck". We just had to sit there and hope that the "big sky, little target" theory would save us. It did, obviously. I am just glad that I was not the one who forgot to check (or send) that e-mail regarding the test. We had one pissed off CAG and carrier CO after that one.