Fallon can still get pretty crazy. Easy stumble to the Q too. Just don't litter, drink the water, speed or Jaywalk.
And considering there's an ATM across the street and the BOQ is directly behind it, it's no wonder the club is open late, the food is good, and the beer is cheap. When the air wing's there, it's 99.9% standing room only (just as a good O'club should be).
For those who think it's all dead, the whole O'Club thing is only dead if you let it be so. Oceana is a prime example. The fighter guys there refused to let it go away, even post-Tailhook, post VA (although moving all of VF there helped). Point Mugu evidently used to have a decent club, but winter storms tore it off into the ocean in the late 90's (think Malibu storms from the news, then think 15 mins north of Malibu). There's now a (small) club at the BOQ. Used to be it wasn't open much at all - usually by special request only. After the squadrons (VAW, VX-30, VX-9 Det, etc.) banded together to patronize it more on the "special request" days, it amazingly started being open more regularly (and more than just the hour or two that was typical of the "request" days). Breezy Point at Norfolk is another example. It's on the air station side, but it had lost a lot of the social aspect ("available for catering, special events..." - bullsh!t). Again, the squadrons started asking for it more, and amazingly it started being open more (and later). No idea how it is now, but Friday afternoons were pretty good a few years ago.
The bottom line is this - it's
YOUR MWR. MWR doesn't have to mean only internet cafes and other crap like that (it's a relative term - no offense to any who might infer, but in case you do -
I don't care) to make life better for the enlisted troopers living on base in the barracks. MWR is there to support us too. Hell, 2/3 of MWR is
Morale and
Recreation. If you want more from your club, you need to pony up and patronize it and demand that you receive the same support from the system (and get your spouses and sig others out there too). Otherwise, I hope you enjoy just going home after flying all day. It's not like we're getting paid to have fun...