So ,
I m 35 yo , decided to enlist and I did , with a ship-date in November ...
although my recruiters thought with my credentials ( college and work ) to get me to go as an officer ...
So I took my OAR test ( vs ASTB it only has Math , verbal and mechanical comprehension ) which is way harder to score due to the lesser amounts of questions vs the ASTB
I scored 48 , and they want me to get over 50 , so I m taking it again on Sept as a final hope , everything depends on that coming Sept. score .
my problems are not the Math as I always finished the questions with more time left and had very less trouble with , so as the verbal ...
my real problem is the mechanical . 30 Qs , in 15 mins , which I always run out of time , yet studied from your gouges , OAR guide and the Master the ASTB book , and though I covered everything . but I didn't , as a lot of questions were very challenging and out of what them books covered , in subjects as Gravity , electrical , thermal and pulleys system .
anyone can help me find a perfect study guide so I ace this test ...
I m a fairly smart individual , but most of these stuff I studied in high school which was way way back ...
I really appreciate any help or advice , my future depends on this coming test ..