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Obama to skip Arlington on Memorial Day, VP to stand in.


New Member
I hope you get the opportunity to see him. Support the man's policies or not, it's always an honor to hear the President speak.
I hope I do as well, though I don't have any experience with Presidential speeches. Like, can you just show up and listen to him speak if you get a good view? Or is it ticketed? I've been to the cemetery before, but I haven't been able to dig up anything on what to expect.


I hope I do as well, though I don't have any experience with Presidential speeches. Like, can you just show up and listen to him speak if you get a good view? Or is it ticketed? I've been to the cemetery before, but I haven't been able to dig up anything on what to expect.

For the record MMX, this was not intended to be a who's better than who thread. No one has written on this post that Obama needs to be more like any other previous president.

Might I suggest throttling back a bit and taking the story for what it is. He's skipping out on it - his prerogative... That being said, I disagree with it. That and $5.25 will get me a cup of coffee.
Come on, we both know what his point was--that when there's a letter R next to the president's name, these kinds of threads aren't made every 2 days even though it's the same stuff going on.

Deleted member 24525

I don't necessarily have a problem with him not going to Arlington on Memorial Day. I do agree that it is a perception issue: 1 trip to Afghanistan in 16 months as President, and adding a military greeeting as an afterthought on his Christmas press conference (only after a reporter asked him if he had anything for the military).
We are an after thought to his administration, but he isn't the one who sent us to war. Bottom Line look at the facts: Republicans talk big, but they are the ones who send us to war, cut our VA benefits, and attempt to reduce our payraises. Just look at McCain's voting record towards veterans, and what Bush did for us as President (aside from the post 9-11 GI Bill).
I agree with Brett. They are all fucking retards. Quit bitching, and bring us home.


Looking forward to some P-8 action
Respectfully disagree. Not trying to single out a particular President, but it would depend on the individual, and what they have to say.

Thank you for doing so respectfully! I agree that the content of the speech weighs heavily on how I feel about the event. I suppose what I was saying is that if the opportunity presents itself, you should attend. Very rarely do we have the opportunity to see our elected leaders speak outside of a few news clips or sound bites through the media.

And I will single out Presidents.

President George W. Bush was always comical to listen to. His mannerisms, his made up words, always good for a laugh.

Our current commander in chief, President Obama, drive me crazy when I listen to him speak without a teleprompter. He doesn't fully understand how to handle dead time while speaking, or to think about what he's going to say. Sometimes, it's alright to just be silent for a couple of seconds while you form your thoughts. In fact, many of us (myself included) could probably benefit from doing that in our daily lives.


Something witty.

Pretty good article about this argument, including some history behind both Arlington Cemetery and the so-called 'tradition' of Presidential visits on Memorial Day.

Personally, I think this all hot air and no substance. He's going to a National Cemetery, which just happens to be near his home. Our honored dead are buried at these cemeteries. What makes one better than another? There are MOH holders at each cemetery. There are Navy (and Army and Air Force) Cross holders at each cemetery. There are members who never earned a single valor decoration but still fought with bravery at each cemetery. They are all worthy of a visit from the President, especially on Memorial Day. I'm just sad that he can't visit 'em all. I'm willing to bet that the REAL reason that the visit to Arlington became a 'thing' is because its a 20-minutes drive from the White House, nothing more. Either way, why should the President not be able to decide which cemetery he visits? Anyone who says that Arlington is a more important cemetery than another National Cemetery dishonors the thousands upon thousands of dead buried at the other ones. And that's the bottom line, no matter what. Place one burial ground above another and you dishonor everyone who isn't there.


I don't care where Obama goes or where he doesn't go for Memorial Day ... he's the Prez & he can do what he wants.

I don't 'like' cemeteries. I got over being 'afraid' of death a long, long time ago ... so it's got nothing to do w/ that ... I've seen people die and I've 'buried' some. Personally, I've never been particularly 'uplifted' by any visit I've ever made to any cemetery -- no matter what the reason or cause. A battlefield: for me, that's different. Pearl Harbor, for example ... I visit it often. There is a difference, at least to me -- if you don't 'see it' ... fine, no problem. It's a personal thing ...

The people aren't 'there' in the cemetery; only their mortal remains are left in the ground. I believe you should remember people who have passed on in your heart & in your head -- that way, they are alive each & every day ... and if you cherish their memory and what they did -- they will NEVER die ...

Agree or disagree ... it's just my $20 worth ...


Ron "Banty" Marron
The people aren't 'there' in the cemetery; only their mortal remains are left in the ground. I believe you should remember people who have passed on in your heart & in your head -- that way, they are alive each & every day ... and if you cherish their memory and what they did -- they will NEVER die ...

Damn, A4s...very well stated!!
