You probably have to call ahead and request it in advance. I hope that is how it's done. I'd be pissed as hell if I got bumped from a flight because Moby Dick decided to spill over into my seat.
So when i buy a plane ticket how do they know if im fat or not. Check this box if you are fat and will be requiring two seats. Hell yeah man im going to check that box every time. Now i have an extra seat to stretch out in and i wont have to sit next to a fat person. Better sign me up for one of those super awesome seat belt extenders too.
I think the fact that there is such a large obesity problem in this country is indicative of the general persona that people from other countries have always spouted when they think of americans... overweight, lazy and stupid.
We have people who are two big to fit into one seat, too stupid to figure out they can't afford a $800,000 house on a $45k income and to lazy to admit that they're the problem in the auto industry.
Welcome to the downfall. At least I've got a paycheck twice a month for the next ten years... and I fit in the seat.
Thing is, I've seen millions of fatty americans. On my trips to canadialand, I can count the number of fatties on one hand. Plus their bartenders are very nice, I like. I think it's the cold. it makes them skinny and good looking.
Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Completely Sedentary... so they mean like this guy right?
We were discussing this at work(I work for American) the other day and were thinking we'd have people stand on scales and get measured before boarding the aircraft and then charge them if they didn't meet the requirements.
You must have missed UW-Madison, while there are fatties there, the good looking ones out number them.