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OCC 192 Board Meeting


Registered User
was told today that 192 is full and only accepting females, but, things always change. depending on the attritionrate of 191.


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
I don't understand how it could be full already. The 191 board hasn't even met yet, 192 is two classes away. Did your OSO tell you this?


Registered User
My OSO told me yesterday that they are selecting the pilot applicants a class ahead of time. So, if I want 192, I need to submit my application by November. I don't know if this is a regional thing or what.


OCC 191 Select
My OSO also said that preselection is becoming the norm. Out of the 12 guys going to 190, 10 were preselects from my office.

Also, as you can see from this board, many of us were selected for 191 at the 190 board. According to my OSO, its a way for the Marines to make sure they have the numbers they need and I think its a great idea as well. Every other service projects candidates, why shouldn't the Marines?


Registered User
yeah, oso told me...the pre select thing is good for the corp, but causes problems with ones trying to get accepted.


OCC 191 Select
Not if they know in advance that is how it works. The Navy selects students that sometimes have an OCS date of like 6 months after selection, if not longer.

Plus, we are here to serve the Marines, aren't we?


Registered User
Not if they know in advance that is how it works. The Navy selects students that sometimes have an OCS date of like 6 months after selection, if not longer.

Plus, we are here to serve the Marines, aren't we?

to some extent. bro, we are humans, we have our needs and desires. This is one thing about the corp that upsets me. we take the serving the corp thing to far sometimes. We all have our peeves, but, the we are willing to look past those things, most of the time...


OCC 191 Select
Dude, preselection means you wait a max of like 4 months. I applied in Oct. and leave January 22nd. When I applied to the Navy I applied in April and was going to be leaving in January. The Air Force works in a similar manner. If four months is too long to wait then you need to reevaluate. Hell, the government job I currently have took me 7 months from turning in my application to starting.


OCC 191 Select
Wow, chill out there cowboy. I have been fighting just to serve for 3 years now. Don't gimme that. And I wasn't copping an attitude, I was just saying, this is how it is and we all waited so can you.

Don't start cursing at me, I'm not some college kid. I was respectful to you, I ask the same. Also, I don't know that you can't apply for 191, in fact, I think you can still apply in Nov. and if your packet is strong enough you will get picked up. Just do it and then worry about the details later..........