Hello everyone, I will spare you the details and get straight to the point. 2-3 years ago i received an AIR Contract in the USMC. I believe my class was 196. For family/personal reasons, i "DOR'd" on week 4. The colonel of OCS told me he would not let me apply again. Of course, that decision has been haunting me ever since. I would like some suggestions on what i could do to be accepted again and what my chances are. I scored pretty well on the astb and my pft was also good. I just obtained my CFI and have about 300 hours of flight time. Please let me know what you guys think.
You, more than likely, have an RE-3 code, which isn't a nail in the coffin, but certainly is a foot in the grave. You CAN apply again, BUT you will need a waiver, and a recruiter willing to work with you. Having said that, the waiver, from what I was told, does look "unfavorable".
I had a possible medical NPQ situation at OCS (Navy) and I did some research while I waited on results and both an NPQ and a DOR are RE-3 codes, despite what you might have been told, the only difference in the 2 being the designator letter after the code (i.e. DOR = RE-3K I think, and NPQ is RE-3P). I could be wrong on the letters, but you get the idea. An attrition I think earns you an RE-4 code, which to my knowledge is a "you're done for good" type situation.
Now the above info is from what I remember... and could be a little off. Google this junk and do the research. Like C420sailor said, all you can do is try. Good luck.