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I Repeat, Cleared to Abort
On a scale of 1 to 100, how pissed off do we think my recruiter will be when I tell him that I’ve been accepted into a civilian flight school and can’t decide which route to take?
I wouldn’t go into the military unless you’re 100% committed. I’m currently in a high op-tempo rate and the reality of being gone from your spouse 4-6 months out of the year is very real. Definitely not an easy lifestyle but in my opinion is very much worth it. But that’s just me man


Well-Known Member
On a scale of 1 to 100, how pissed off do we think my recruiter will be when I tell him that I’ve been accepted into a civilian flight school and can’t decide which route to take?
Look brother getting accepted into a civilian flight school is not a difficult feat cause at the end of the day they are profiting off you, now let’s talk about the amount of money you are going to have to spend along with the grind you are going to have to go thru just to get to 1500 hours and all that gets you is an interview with the regionals, cause you are going to have to work even harder just to get to the majors. Now don’t get me wrong there are pros and cons to being a military and civilian pilot on one end if you work hard as a civilian and get into the majors you start building seniority from the start, on the other hand if you are a military aviator you only need 720 hours to get an ATP and you get flight training for free in addition to a GI bill to pursue whatever extra curricular activities you might be interested in when you get out. Being in the military is tough but we all have to make sacrifices to get to where we want the floor is yours.


Prior-Enlisted SNFO
Anybody have any idea how us AD personnel will get notified since we don’t go through a recruiter? I had a recruiter friend check and he can see that I have a package, but not any status of it.