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Registered User

what are you guys studying that you are taking managerial. Doesn't it blow. This summer I have to take my last accounting course...Auditing...I am gonna "shred" that one.

See ya soon...but not soon enough


Registered User
Majoring in Business Admin. I thought I wanted to make lots and lots of money but scrapped that idea for my true ambition. I can't wait to get off the bus. admin hamster wheel and fly. heheh

Paul Burke

Registered User
I'm doing a double in Marketing and Management. My school is relatively small so there aren't a lot of options for classes to take. Everyone pretty much gets stuck with the same cookie cutter courses.


Registered User
I guess we are all in the same boat then. I can't believe how much this sucks. I can't wait until it is all over and start doing something more "interesting".
I am going to love having no motivation for my last classes...C = Commision...


Registered User
Holly shit Walt, that really is close. If you grew up there, we probably have some common friends - I'll definetly get in touch with you over the summer.

Yeah, these last few weeks of school have been dragging on. Even though all of my current clases are very much aviation related, I just can't get motivated it seems. I find myself daydreaming about the mighty P-3 instead of learning how to work the autopilot and FMS on the MD-80 jetliner. :) Can't wait to get out and finally start OCS.




Registered User
I recived the call, I am going to OCS August 17th as well. Damm its going to be hot when we do our IN PRT!

GM2(SW) Hosehead


Registered User
Congrats Gunner - You're right its gonna be a damn sauna for those in PRTs. I think I'm gonna have to run in sweats up here in Chicago To get prepped.
Oh yeah speaking of Chicago - I've only lived here for a few years Jack so I doubt we know many of the same people, but I bet we know some of the same bars:)


Registered User
Only about three months away till poopie week. How is everybody doing on PRT stuff. I can do 55 pushups, 75 situps, have not timed the run yet. I am going to run the PRT with the other deppers here at KSU in a few weeks. One week until graduation, only took me 10 years. Since some of you are from the windy city, if I drive we should meet up in St. Louis and make the rest of drive down together. Let me know what you guys think. Later.

GM2(SW) Hosehead

Edited by - gunnerdd972 on 05/09/2002 22:43:07


Registered User
I can relate to the slacking on classes right now. I have two finals left and then I'm finished, but I've basically been on cruise control since about a week before spring break, but I figure thats ok since I'm going to be busting my ass in a few months. I'm in the Sept. 15 class, so if anyone else is let me know.



Registered User
Hey Gunner,

So far I got 65 pushups and 11:20 as my best time on the 1.5 run (thats at 5000 feet, so sea level might cut 20 or so seconds off my time), but I am having trouble with the situps - after 65 pushups in 2 minutes I am having difficulty doing more then 55 situps. :( Still got 3 months until August 17th, so I guess I am not too worried.

Also, looks like I will be flying to P-cola from Chicago - my car would not make the trip (1973 beat up Ford T-bird).

Jack Szarkowski - SKI3


Registered User

Generaly they have you do sit-ups before push-ups and the run last. Try practicing that way. When you are doing push-ups, Dont stop. No matter how tired you are, dont stop and rest because it is much harder on your arms to start up again. Same goes for sit-ups.


To Hover is devine.


Registered User
Good to know Rotor, thanks. ...but do you know this for sure? On my PRT during the application process it was pushups first.


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